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kishikaisei 7 feb, 2016 @ 1:24 
You're the Danny DeVito of logging into Steam. I'm the Schwarzenegger.
kishikaisei 7 feb, 2016 @ 1:23 
:wololo: :thejackal::Windmill::demiburp::borderlands2::froggy::KandarRage::axesword::retreat::csgocross::csgoglobe::csgogun::csgohelmet::csgostar::peace::crow::Gauntlet_Ham::2015coal::2015cookie::2015holly::tank::angry_creep::calm_creep::hunter::skullz::RoundShield::sniperbrain::NZA2_TombStone::scmoof::dealwithit::terraria::First_Kill::goblin::steambored::steamfacepalm::steamhappy::steammocking::steamsad::steamsalty:
dog eater 420 8 jul, 2014 @ 11:15 
Hey LoS Community! If you guys haven't checked out the froums recently, it has a new look to it and with a new domain name.
Credit goes to Tate and SylerX for the countless hours last night for doing this.
dog eater 420 29 maj, 2014 @ 21:03 
LoS is proud to announce that we are now hosting a Left 4 Dead 2 server. That's right folks, L4D2!. It's an amazing 18-22 Super Versus 9v9 Gamemode, ranging from plugins like the exchange of L4D2 weapons to css, changing your zombie whilst spawning and even custom points system to reward you for playing on the server! What’s more enjoyable than getting rewarded for playing on your favorite games? Nothing, nothing is more enjoyable. How do you join this amazing server you ask? IP: (open console and type "connect" then press enter, you will then join our server :D) Vist this thread for more info . What are you waiting for? Stop reading this and join our server now!
dog eater 420 22 dec, 2013 @ 14:24 
There are over 300 threads created on the forums, from various subjects and fun relaxed topics, to entertainment with links to youtube videos and forum chain games. But there is only 1 question, which is the best? *Loligager's eyebrow raise* Which is considered Thread of the Year? Most Creative Thread? Best Forum Game? and Funniest Thread? That's right! The 1st Annual LoS Thread Awards, brought to you by Site Staff, you can nominate your favorite thread from the past year to win varying different awards. So log on and click on this link to nominate the thread best for "Thread of the Year", "Most Creative Thread", "Best Forum Game" and "Funniest Thread". - CarinaNebula and the Site Staff Department

Click this link for more info >>>> <<<<<<
dog eater 420 16 dec, 2013 @ 17:22 
If you have checked the LoS website recently, you will have noticed advertisements appearing on the website. This is just another way to help out with the community cost of running the community, and more so to help us expand the community even more. So these ad's will do a lot for LoS. They are located at the top and bottom of the of the forum, and also at the bottom of the facebook newsfeed on the main index page of . So with that said, we would like to please ask everyone to CLICK on the advertisements you see on the website. Just by clicking on any of the advertisements twich a day, you will do wonders for LoS, and do not worry about them giving you viruses or any harm. These's are Tate's advertiesments, he wouldn't put anything on the website that would harm any of the users. So just know they aren't any random websites.
Please click on this link for more info