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ninjaturtles3921 19. Juli 2023 um 13:23 
yo.. someone sent me a picture of this guy's ♥♥♥♥ and it was 9 1/2 inches long. i was actually drooling, not cause im gay and not cause i wanted it. because i wanted to like.. i wanted to experience what its like to hold a 10 inch ♥♥♥♥ in my hand and like have a girl hold it with two hands and just like look at me. you know what i mean? its just like i wanna experience that for one day, you know what im saying but like i wouldnt want like a 10 inch ♥♥♥♥ cause its not like the ideal size for a relationship y'know what im saying cause its like a one night stand preferred ♥♥♥♥ but like it would be nice to get my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ if it was 10 inches y'know what im saying like some ruler cucumber type ♥♥♥♥
ninjaturtles3921 3. Juni 2023 um 10:31 
A cataphract was a form of armored heavy cavalry that originated in Persia and was fielded in ancient warfare throughout Eurasia and Northern Africa.

The English word derives from the Greek κατάφρακτος kataphraktos (plural: κατάφρακτοι Kataphraktoi), literally meaning "armored" or "completely enclosed" (the prefix kata-/cata- implying "intense" or "completely"). Historically, the cataphract was a very heavily armored horseman, with both the rider and mount almost completely covered in scale armor, and typically wielding a kontos or lance as his primary weapon.
ninjaturtles3921 3. Juni 2023 um 10:31 
Cataphracts served as the elite cavalry force for most empires and nations that fielded them, primarily used for charges to break through opposing heavy cavalry and infantry formations. Chronicled by many historians from the earliest days of antiquity up until the High Middle Ages, they may have influenced the later European knights, through contact with the Eastern Roman Empire.
ninjaturtles3921 31. Mai 2023 um 14:34 
If you were to be eliminated on the morrow after, i would not be able to attend your funerary processions. As i would incarcerated for terminating the killer that murdered you.

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We are true colleagues
We traverse together
We meet our demise together
Send this deadly weapon to all of your acquaintances. Observe how many weapons you gain, if you obtain 13 you are a true ally.
25. Dez. 2022 um 19:57 
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☸„„„„„„„„„☸„„„„„„„„„☸„„„„„„„„„☸„„„„„„„„„☸„„„„„„„„☸„„„„„„„„☸ Merry Christmas
ninjaturtles3921 17. Jan. 2022 um 4:10 
Hi my 😄 nyame is 🅱🐶 Eugenye. I'm a 6'9" tidaw wave *cries* 😥 of testostewonye, a 🔝🌹 420 😍 pound 👊👊 UNyIT oozing pawpabwe ^-^ v-vibwations of sex and excewwence. My 🙆😯 beawd is ❌💦 w-wong 🅰 enyough t-to 😳 wipe 🤤🤤 my 🙋👣 own 🌐🅱 ass 🐄 *runs 💰💰 away* without 🚫🚫 u-using 👉💦 my ➡ hands, 💦 and 😍👏 when 😤🍑 *notices 😯😯 buldge* i 🙋💰 fwex my 👇 biceps the 🖱 x3 eawth benyeath my 👏👏 feet 👟 QUAKES wike *screams* 😱😱 an 😙 entiwe pod of 💦🚋 bwue *starts twerking* wawes hitting 😦😦 the 💦 x3 😋😋 eawth as they awe dwopped out ⚔⛵ of an 🍆🤼 entiwe S-S-Squadwon 💺📲 of 😳 B52 bombews at an 🔞👹 ewevation of 😜 73,000 feet. Don't 👎🙈 be 🏿🤢 intimidated 😩 by 😈😈 my 🐕🏻 emascuwating p-pwesence, 🏽⛹ i empwowe you 🙋🦃 t-to ♂ suwgicawwy enhance youw wingspan 🐦 by 7 💯 feet and 👏 EMBWACE IT.