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Évaluation publiée le 18 avr. 2017 à 19h42
Mis à jour : 19 avr. 2017 à 1h44
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What was supposed to be a new kind of Orcs Must Die (OMD) turned into a watered down half-assed Orcs Must Die 3 (OMD3). Orcs Must Die: Unchained (OMDU) was supposed to be a new kind of OMD in the franchise. Player VS Player (PVP) was the original game model. The "Unchained" were the Orcs now led by a new high queen reinvading yet again. But this time you could play for the other side - Good VS Evil. Some namby-pambies said they thought PVP was too mean and not hippie enough so PVP was removed. This collapsed the whole model. Now Good and Evil were fighting along side each other against their own minions?
The worst part was what replaced PVP at release (with no way to critique, because critiquing is mean apparently) - Sabotage. In today's society, children are being raised by children. Sissies and Democrats are overcrowding the streets leaving no room for development but instead leads to regression. Sabotage is the most passive-agressive mode one can play. Instead of looking a man in the (digital) eye as you attack him, you just chose some randomly chosen ways to hinder the enemy team, without ever actually confronting your opponent. Confrontation is being taken out because people are getting more and more sensitive. We wouldn't want to hurt their feelings (video game developers and players alike). Do not play this video game. Just play the first two (OMD and OMD2). Hell, 2 has a co op feature for the main story.
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79 commentaires
Denny Crane 26 avr. 2017 à 17h12 
Much better, thank you.
Fluf 26 avr. 2017 à 13h20 
Last thing to add: I'll just have gay sex instead of reproduce, that better?
Fluf 26 avr. 2017 à 13h18 
Denny Crane 26 avr. 2017 à 6h11 
Denny Crane.
Denny Crane 26 avr. 2017 à 6h10 
"Tiny" says the one that jerks off to animals. "Tiny" says the one who thinks everyone is their friend when they are just being used. I believe the "opinion" of a sick and perverted individual as yourself means nothing. You are not of sound mind and you sure shouldn't be allowed to vote.
I never said "garbage." That's a word that is being overly used by the sissies and namby-pambies. I said you were "sick" and a "pervert." "Garbage" is neither specific enough nor the correct word. If you want to convince someone next time, first establish your worth of listening. You are a failure of society and your parents' poor job of raising you.
Don't vote, don't reproduce and don't go near small children.
Fluf 26 avr. 2017 à 3h58 
I can't argue with your tiny mind. Sorry. Now you'll say I'm giving up, yeah. There's no point in convincing someone who can't understand the fact that MAYBE I'm not a pile of garbage.
Denny Crane 25 avr. 2017 à 23h15 
I don't know what a "PFP" is but I can guess you are referencing your picture. It looks close enough, sicko. Really, you are a pervert.
I didn't say you were shy, but of a lower station in life. Further more, it isn't because you want to, but because feel it is your station. No one wants to be a lower class person, but you are as your terrible parents raised you.
Fluf 25 avr. 2017 à 12h28 
I would probably be a bottom more of the time because I'd want to. Not because I'm... shy or whatever you think. If you actually met me you'd have an idea but you can't really tell what I'm like.
Fluf 25 avr. 2017 à 12h26 
You don't understand... does my PFP look like real rabbit? No? Not really an animal.
Denny Crane 24 avr. 2017 à 21h08 
No, you're not smart. But intelligent, sure. So you got that wrong already. And your "friends" DO want to talk to you, when you can help them with their studies. You're a tutor, not a friend. They use you (not maliciously) because they have to.
The reason have been and still are wanting to convince me is because you are a subservant, lower station person. If you were gay, you'd always be the catcher. These are just the facts of our society.
And what the hell is a "furry?" Is that what you perverts call yourself because you want to have sex with animals? Because the animals also have fur? Seriously, you are sick. What you desire is not healthy nor appropriate. Did your mom drink or do some kind of drunk while she was carrying you?