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0.9 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
Fun to play especially with others or streaming, can get frustrating as anomalies can be so subtle you will easily miss it. You can finish the game in 40 minutes or less but it's $4. A completed, bug free game for a reasonable price is hard to come by now a days...
Posted 23 December, 2023.
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0.1 hrs on record
Having a Code Lyoko game in VR is a great idea on paper but sadly this isn't it. There's no motion control which a huge letdown for blocking/reflecting laser blasts from everyone. Actually not sure if you can even block? Moving is also weird because it's loosely tied to where you'r'e looking at so 360 is absolutely required. It honestly feels like an alpha version and I do appreciate the attempt and I was just in awe and giddy standing in Lyoko in VR space (in fact I didn't even read the reviews or posts, I just saw it show up and bought it super quick), the game as is isn't even worth $5. This is me personally as if I pay for a game and it feels like it's still in alpha, I don't think it's worth it.

Speaking of which, like most comments pointed out, it's fanmade so having this on Steam and charging for it is very illegal but since it's not exactly breaking sales, and since this franchise seems to be in legal limbo, doubt anything will happen. Just avoid the game for the time being. Even on it's own, it's honestly not worth paying for.
Posted 2 October, 2021.
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1.8 hrs on record
BEFORE YOU BUY: If you have an Oculus Rift (seems more common with Rift S), there's a weird bug that either has just a black screen or song menu doesn't pop up. This probably wouldn't be an issue if you buy from the Oculus store but I don't feel like dropping $30 to test this yet lol.

tldr: Customizable anime avatars with lots of super fun charts and songs from Bemani arcade games but game feels very rough especially on Oculus via Steam.

I got this cause any Konami music and rhythm game will come with a bunch of great songs from their previous arcade games and while I'm not too surprised, Murmur Twins is still super fun and amazing to play.

Some good points: While the tutorial feels kinda slow, largely cause it's the same tutorial song that has all the keysounds on every instrument laughably offbeat, it goes by relatively quick and progresses you in Campaign Mode. You can go straight to Free Mode, and every song (from the looks of it) is available for Casual/Advanced modes. You can customize your avatar a fair amount and can see your avatar's body backstage and in-game. There's also settings that let you adjust the height of your instruments but you can't change that until after you finish the tutorials and you're allowed to freely move around backstage. The game does a slight view alignment every time you're about to play which helps mainly when you're playing drums, but sometimes can throw you off if you're playing Guitar or Bass.

Now the bad: I mentioned some Rift S players can't get the menu to show up and what's irritating as there's nothing mapped to your controller to open it (at least not on the Oculus) so it's really 50/50 if you get to enjoy the game or just stand in backstage watching NPC avatars faze in and out all day.
Maybe it's just me, but playing drums in this game is really off. There's no metronome that plays but instead hihats will play to help you stay on beat except the hihat wont be consistent so it'll sound fine at first, then just go off and you just have to rely on counting yourself and try to ignore it.
There's no way to pause in-game (Oculus).
It looks like it's co-op similar to Rock Band but you just play either with standard NPCs or use your friend's or random player's playdata. So sadly, this is only a singleplayer game and I doubt that'll change.

Conclusion: Most rhythm and games on VR is typically $30 and you get a fair amount of songs to play. I recommend it if you're looking for more music games to play in VR but mostly if you have an Index or HTC. It does work for Oculus, but it's very 50/50.
Posted 2 October, 2021.
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149.1 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
I wrote a bad review before and didn't recommend this game because of very frequent crashes. Now, thankfully after some patches, the game runs nice and smooth. With that said, there are some bad still with the game.

The bad:
- Character dialogue can get boring/bland at times and unfortunately, there's a lot. The story is so far unfolding to be pretty amazing, learning about the old ones and moving towards finding someone that we all thought died but is actually missing. Just the dialogue to it can get bland to the point I found myself skipping some.
- Movement is very awkward. This isn't an issue too much if you're using a controller but moving Alloy with keyboard and mouse can feel wonky at times. And riding horses seem to be much worse. It doesn't make the game unplayable, obviously giving how much hours I've put into the game, just something to be ready for.
- Background assets flickering in and out. When the game first came out, it was much worse and probably was the reason it crashed so much. It doesn't flicker as much as 1.0, but it still flickers a lot and this is mainly when you're out exploring.

The good:
There's so many good things about the game from the gameplay to the graphics and the story so I'm just gonna gush now.

DUDE! Wasn't it so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awesome using your hardpoint arrows to shoot the Longleg's chest so much that it explodes from pressure, leaving it dazed on the ground just so you can run up and finish it off with a critical stab?! That's just so... YEAH!!!

Isn't it awesome taking out the water's with one hit into their eye then sneaking up to corrupt a broadhead or a horse strider so you can ride it somewhere not alerting any other machines that's in the area?! It's so fu... HNNNNNG

Remember those ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ huge behemoths that just terrorize the ♥♥♥♥ out of you, but you use your tearing pulse bow to go wooooooom and blow off every since part of it's components then it slowly walks away and you just finish it off like yeah ♥♥♥♥ YOU! All that ♥♥♥♥ you put me though, you think I'm gonna... nah ♥♥♥♥ you!

You know how... *ahem* you know how you're looking for Erend's sister Ersa and you're followiwng the path, then you come across a level 32 corrupt zone that has 2 corrupted Rockbeakers? But there's a campsite right there for you to save and after you do, you're swarmed by a bunch of Snapmaws and Watchers and you're like, "Well ♥♥♥♥, no way I can progress cause I can't survive this ♥♥♥♥!" But the Snapmaws have 2 canisters on their top front that you can knock off their shielding with regular arrows, then switch to your flame arrows and hit both canisters so when the corrupted Rockbreakers goes to attack, they get caught into both explosions from those canisters and they're weak to fire to they get some chunk of health taken away! Then you let them duke it out and progress more only to come across the ravagers. The rockbreakers will follow you, and you just use that tear weapon on the ravagers and go woooooom boom and knock their gun off, you can pick it up and kill the Ravagers super quick and use the rest of the ammo on the Rockbreakers! Then you can hide behind those huge rocks behind them and take them out while using those rocks as a shield and you take them out and get a ♥♥♥♥ ton of exp! All-Mother this game is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ brilliant! It's amazing! Omg

So in short, yeah the game is super fun and looks amazing in ultrawide/super ultrawide. Just get it! It's gooooooooood!
Posted 8 August, 2020. Last edited 3 October, 2020.
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1,506.4 hrs on record (18.5 hrs at review time)
I dunno why I didn't get this before! It's not taxing on your system either so if you don't have it, just get it nao. Right meow!
Posted 25 July, 2020.
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2.2 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
Just want to say, I've never seen Spice & Wolf. Not that I didn't find it interesting, just never got around to it so everything here is new to me. Although I quickly found out her favorite word is 戯け(Tawake) so I'll keep that in mind when I watch the anime lol.

Like most anime VR games, this is more of an experience. You sit back and enjoy the story along with how they interact with each other very similar to their other game Project LUX.
The visuals, as you can see from the screenshots, are amazing VR or not. Holo is very interestingly animated and is genuinely interesting to watch.
Here's the bad part, it's $25 (not on sale). I think $15 or even $20 would be a better price zone but I found out this was a Kickstarter backed project so I can't complain too much. Getting the rights to use the license must've cost through the roof along with their original VAs too.
This is also available on Oculus' store, and I'm probably not gonna buy it again just to check if this is only a Steam issue, but if you're using an Oculus VR set, you may have the same issue as me with the controls. Iin the menus, only down and right will work and same goes with using a ps4/xbox controller. Left and up are completely disabled. I'm not sure why either. Only fix I found was running the game in Non-VR (just make sure it's not plugged in) then all of a sudden it works.

I do recommend this game but mostly for the fans of the series, anime fans in general, or those wanting to get used to VR. You're only sitting in the game so any movements you do, you'll physically be doing so won't get too sick from it. Keep in mind, I think you won't be able to 100% the game unless you have VR. There are coins you can randomly find during the story mode and one of them is right below you.
Posted 25 July, 2020.
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30.7 hrs on record (24.4 hrs at review time)
I've heard so much about this game before but never at all gave it a try. In fact I bought it about 4 years ago and never installed it until just last week. This game is so much fun and so frustrating that even after you die to a boss the first, second, third time you just want to keep going. And the music.....omg the music is so amazing. I personally like the remastered music but honestly they're all good no matter what.

There's a lot of secrets in this game too so I suggest you go through it, exploring everywhere first before you look at a walkthrough and use a controller if you have one. Feels awkward using a keyboard.

You should definitely buy this game. It's thus far the only thing that has actually stopped me from constantly playing an MMORPG 24/7.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna resume to shooting myself in the face trying to beat hard mode.
Posted 6 October, 2015.
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