Hodosán Ábel
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Nev: Dal3k!~
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:15496701
Oka: ahogy never mondja (wh)
Unban Ideje: Orok ban
Admin Neve: [*D-F*] Armix sL @ fb.com/d3pth
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:393353193

Ban Informacio
Nev: Dal3k!~
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:15496701
Oka: az kb wh off
Ban Ideje: 1 hour
Unban Ideje: 14:20:52 4/19/2013
Admin Neve: [*D-F*] Puma sL @ fb.com/d3pth
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:746607059

Ban Informacio
Nev: S = K * LogW'
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:15496701
Oka: faszomat only hs mi
Ban Ideje: 1 hour
Unban Ideje: 16:12:05 3/23/2013
Admin Neve: [*D3PTH-FOUNT*] Martinn35
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:746607059
Kicked by Console: "You are banned from this server. Check your console"
Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

You know you are playing CS too much when you;

You leave your house in the morning through a freshly-smashed back window

Flashbang the family toilet, just incase someone is 'squatting' in there already

You feel naked leaving home without Kevlar & Helmet on

You sit on your roof with an empty Aluminum Foil Roll 'sniping' passers by

When everytime you enter a lift, you shout 'FIRE IN THE HOLE!' and fart till your arse goes red'

On the bus, you scream "Stick Together Team"

After you 'use' the 4 grannies at a bus stop you spotted, you expect them to say "Ok, lets go!"

You find $190 in your pocket and ask you spouse for a tenner to get a FlashBang

You hear Footsteps and prepare for all-out Combat

You drive crouched

After boarding a plane, you just know some bastard is in the cargo with a loaded MP5Navy

You start strafing around shopping malls

You leave your sunroof open so you can leap out when things get heavy

There are some days when you just cant defuse the 'package' you found in the toilet

when your friend tells you he's just returned from a 3 week camping trip and you think him a looser.
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