DOG Zelens'kyj
ZOKY ZOKYGLIO   Sardegna, Italy
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Germano Fun Server Italia - Groupe public
Italian Multigaming Clan - TF2 - L4D2 - DOTA2 - CS:GO - Rust
1 260
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ei nahui 240km peek # EZ LV 16 oct. à 11h49 
CAP26M 10 oct. à 6h50 
che cazzo abbandoni merda
PRUX 19 sept. à 10h43 
-rep trash player and not good on the game
Piefkezilla 1 aout à 2h19 
-rep antimate afk
gino 26 juil. à 9h50 
+rep simply the best
SUWWIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!! 11 juil. à 4h25 
toxic and has no mental just starts throwing after losing one round