YourLi 11. Feb. 2021 um 6:28 
YourLi 24. Jan. 2020 um 8:35 
YourLi 31. Dez. 2019 um 8:42 
Happy New Year!!:nekoheart:
Artifice 3. Aug. 2014 um 21:29 
where the hell are ya bad.
Deadhead 11. März 2013 um 19:10 
deadhead is dead and gone now.
[RIOT] BAD_CO. 30. Jan. 2013 um 23:57 
It's all good Blue. :) I aim to entertain....hmmmm. Im a poet and don't know it....Lol
Blue 30. Jan. 2013 um 14:03 
sry GUI|BAD_CO. was goin to delete my mines hehe
Blue 19. Jan. 2013 um 18:47 
omg i said hte next day u wasnt here i need to do the dea series map heheh come back!!
MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™ 29. Juli 2012 um 4:02 
btw deadheads from your friends list;)
Blue 28. Juni 2012 um 23:19 
hello how are you hope we play again l4d
[RIOT] BAD_CO. 3. Okt. 2011 um 23:35 
Dave hasn't been working lately so i snapped a picture of him in his recliner. Lets all help Dave get back on his feet.(without a crane) Send cash or check too ....GUI|Rajerz in care of GUI|BAD_CO. Menomonie Wi. 54751. Money sent will help in his rehabilitation and a chainsaw to widen the doorway of his house. Thank you from the entire GUI|Clan.