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Análises recentes de Shangaria

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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
15.8 horas registradas (9.2 horas no momento da análise)
Been playing this game for a bit now and generally i do like it, it's satisfying to get gradualy better at the combat. The upgrade system could be a bit better though, feels like you are overly fishing between the same upgrades everytime in the hopes to get a very rare not so common upgrade.

The mana system is not bad but it feels very restrictive if you don't have any luck in getting mana cards. This is because it's very punishing to go for mana pools because of the hatred system. So if you have bad luck then you can be stuck not able to upgrade your char much while the bosses are insanely buffed.

But what bothers me the most is the fact that this game keeps on crashing over and over again. It doesn't set you back, but it gets very very annoying after 9 hours of playing, you need to restart the game every 10 mins to 30 mins.

So for those doubting to buy this, I would wait untill the creator makes the game more stable.
Publicada em 31 de março de 2023.
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