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Ulasan terkini oleh Mordy

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Menampilkan1-10 dari 19 kiriman
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Tercatat 13.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 7.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I.. cannot recommend this game.

The game, when it works, is fun enough and learning new recipes and preparing them is enjoyable but the Gordon Ramsey level gold tongues that are, somehow, able to detect one milliliter of extra oil on a dish and reduce your rating by one whole star if not more is just.. aggravating, because the controls in the game are hilariously imprecise so it's practically impossible to get everything juuust right be it trying to pour something or cut something up cos if it's even slightly off then bye bye rating!

Throw in all the bugs like food items clipping into counters and becoming untargettable, ladles and spatulas clipping through canisters and plates, sending them to the floor and potentially breaking them + the game regularly failing to transition from one phase (cooking->cleaning, for an example) to another, forcing a full game restart because reloading a save won't fix anything and the experience overall becomes a headache more often than not.

So steer clear, unless you can get this either free or super duper cheap.
Diposting pada 17 Juli.
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Tercatat 12.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 6.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Played through this with a friend whom i completed all the other Anthology games with and we had a pretty good time here as other than two instances of a screen/camera getting stuck, requiring the return to an earlier save point, the only other issues i personally encountered were visual glitches of the characters momentarily blinking in and out of existence here and there (most commonly during animation transitions) and some very glaring texture pop in after some early scene changes.

Story wise, i liked this one.. a solid B tier horror movie which is what these games are imo.. as for gameplay, nothing has really changed here other than the characters now being able to jog and pick up certain items that may or may not be helpful somewhere down the road.

Overall, i feel this was an entertaining end to a fairly uneven season and i very much look forward to our new alien overlords coming to take us for a wild ride in the season two premiere!
Diposting pada 26 November 2022.
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This is funny.

You remove the campaign due to some nebulous download size related reason and then have the audacity to start selling the guns from the expansion at a pretty hilarious mark up.

So kudos, trolling your paying customers yet again by removing access to playable content they paid good money for.. makes one wonder, when will this happen to Witch Queen?

Can't be that far off, so buyer beware, i guess..
Diposting pada 23 Juli 2022.
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Tercatat 20.7 jam
Woke up in a house.. looked around but it was real dark so it was hard to see.. heard some noises coming from another room so checked that out only to get attacked by a crazy person whom i had to beat down with a chair leg.. thought that was the end of it but then lights went out and got overwhelmed by the tide of darkness washing over me.

Turns out, that was just the beginning of the dark and disturbing journey into eastern european forest where almost everything is out to get you.

This is a survival horror experience like no other where combat is slow and brutal, making planning ahead crucial be it for weaponry that feels like it is constantly in danger of breaking or healing and other supplies that far too often seem to be running dangerously low.. but fear not as it is not all doom and gloom, there are others out there, some even willing to help you out on your journey.

(don't trust the Wolf..)

Crafting, exploration, preparation.. whatever you do, remember one very important thing.. always get back to your hideout before the sun goes down as the dangerous denizens of the forest are not the only thing one should worry about.. the deep, dark shadows are seemingly out to get you if you stay out too late and we really wouldn't want that to happen, now would we?
Diposting pada 20 Juni 2022.
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Tercatat 20.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 17.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Endless fun with friends!
Diposting pada 24 November 2021.
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Tercatat 17.0 jam
This game is not worth full price.

My main gripe with the game is that there is very little content to play around with, only 6 locations, while pretty to look at and fairly large in scope, are greatly limited by piss poor design decisions that limit what you can actually make happen.

And then there's the AI, which is so deeply retarded you can spin around, dance and run laps around it without it reacting to you because all you need is a coin or another item that you can throw and that is all you need to break the game, because the idiotic AI will, without fail, always go investigate a noise meaning you can lure guards, random npcs, even targets that pass by into bathroom, closets, whathaveyou and make missions an utter joke because the stupid sheep willingly walk into the slaughter without complaint.

That said, first time running through a level is fairly enjoyable, observing the limited, repeating routines of the AI targets, guards and other npcs to try to figure out a best approach to get to them (at least till you realize you can just walk into a room with pair of scissors for an example and throw those on the floor to lure everyone near by to come to you), the story ends before it really even starts (need to buy Hitman 2 to continue it!) and.. that's about the positives for the game.

The potential was there, but it was sadly sacrificed at the altar of piece meal delivery and combined with the fact story barely goes anywhere before it ends i hesitate to recommend this game to anyone so if you looking for a stealthy puzzle 'shooter', look elsewhere or wait for a very DEEP sale as anything beyond few bucks/euros is a waste of money.
Diposting pada 28 Agustus 2020. Terakhir diedit pada 28 Agustus 2020.
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Tercatat 1.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 0.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
This game was a license to print money.

At least it would have been, had Bethesda not screwed up the launch and then continued to mess up practically every single decision up to this point, from overly greedy monetization schemes like shady pay2win costume packs and quality of life features like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fridge (to keep food fresh longer) to real money purchasable repair kits and bots that collect materials for you.

But let's look past all that for a moment since this is Fallout, after all.. unfortunately there's very little new here, as it's all mostly just reused assets, so if you've played Fallout 4, it's hard to avoid the feeling of déjà vu and when combine that with the fact that there's very little interesting things to to do in the game the end result is a boring, over-monetized mess that's trying to wiggled it's fingers into your wallet by annoying you with constant equipment breakage, far too tiny inventory management and the neverending need to eat & drink to keep the your bars full to avoid debuffs.

There are some upsides, like exploration which is fun and discovering new places can be exciting till you realize that's all there is, no real stories, no nothing.. the new NPCs added by the Wastelanders update help a little but it also reminds you that better Fallout games exist and with mods, they'll be bigger, better games than Fallout 76 can ever become by the simple flaw of it being a live service shackled to the whims of Bethesda who may or may not keep it up and around for years to come.

(Also, honorary mention goes to the hilaribad controls or the lack there of because the game would not allow me to play with keyboard+mouse because a controller was detected and that's all the game cared about apparently!)

So much wasted potential.. can't in good conscience give this thumbs up when far better Fallout games exist that are not only cheaper but can be modded freely so pick one of those up instead for better value of money! :ghlol:
Diposting pada 17 Mei 2020.
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Tercatat 148.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 148.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
You got me good, Bungie.

Dangling that missing content in front of me, like a carrot on a stick and like a donkey i went for it thinking that surely even though the next big Steam sale was right around the corner you would not discount your latest expansion, the one you just crapped out two weeks prior.

Fool me once, shame on me.

I learn my lessons and you showed me loud and clear that whatever you shove out the door, waiting couple of weeks will have it deeply discounted making it waste of money buying your products at launch.

(this game also suffers from utterly garbage in game monetization system that despite developer promises to the contrary remains as awful as the day it was implemented!)
Diposting pada 15 Februari 2020.
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Tercatat 325.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 321.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
This game is not for solo players.

There, i said it.

With that out of the way, EVE Online can still be reasonably fun entertainment if expectations are kept low as while you can do most things available in game (even as a free player although with severe penalties), corporations will do everything much better and/or more efficiently.

Game also has free PvP, though arguably this can be a selling point to some, so death can come at any time and likely will come (sooner or later, wherever you happen to be flying), so expect death and expect it often as the careless will be annihilated.

Skill training happens in real time, with first few levels being relatively quick to train but most level ¤ & % skills take days, weeks or even months to train up which nowadays (compared to not so distant past) can be bypassed by buying skill boosters which may or may not be considered pay2win depending on who you ask.

Overall, not a bad game, but also not one very well suited for solo play but if you have lot of willing friends or don't mind joining a corporation to play with strangers then EVE Online might just be worth a try!
Diposting pada 4 Januari 2020.
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Pengembang telah menanggapi pada 7 Jan 2020 @ 7:26am (lihat tanggapan)
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Tercatat 522.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 378.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
This is a good game.

Those familiar with the series will be right at home as the gameplay is smooth, combat is fluid, enemies grotesque and often vastly larger than you but that's where the arsenal of weapons, small and large (and everything in between!) comes into to play, offering so many options that it's hard to get bored as there's always something new to try, be it a ginormous hammer, spear you can throw at enemies or a gloriously flaming halberd that just so happens to also be able to cast spells.

There are also enough sorceries, miracles and pyromancies to satiate even the most rabid caster, from soul arrows to lightning spears, flaming orbs that hover in the air or explode on contact, various mists that poison and much, much more including various utility spells that create light, repair gear or even give you a chance to survive lethal damage.

Despite being relatively old game by now, there's enough online presence that coop is pretty plentiful, at least during earlier levels/areas, same goes for PvP although most encounters there are not entirely fair as large majority of PvPers, even after taking a year off from the game, consists of so called twinks, people with the best gear for their level range, maxed out healing flasks, various rings that give significant advantage vs anyone who lacks these boons making practically every single invasion encounter an uphill fight.

That is of course if the invader isn't a hacker, which is also pretty common due to Steam's family sharing which, at least in the past, allowed easy circumventing of whatever cheat detectors From Software/Bamco uses to flag accounts in game since once detected the cheaters would just swap accounts and be back to ruining games and there's not a damn thing you could do to stop them.

All in all, if you like coop games that can't be sleepwalked through by spamming the attack button or just like moderately challenging fantasy rpgs then Dark Souls III might just be the game for you!
Diposting pada 29 November 2019.
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Menampilkan1-10 dari 19 kiriman