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Według 7 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
6.9 godz. łącznie (2.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
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Paragon: The Overpriced.
It appears to be applying Asian storefront strategies to a Western market.
Skins cost $30!!!, heros cost $10. You need 14 heros to even play ranked, meaning it will take 5 days of doing all your daily quests to unlock 1. So it will take weeks of just tooling around in Quick match where nobody cares, picks whoever they want for whatever lane, get streamrolled by someone 100x better, surrender at 15 min, rinse repeat.
The skins are pretty decent, just no interest in giving them money after making me grind out the heros just to play meaningful games in a few weeks. I also think the biggest problem is their direct competitor is selling their game for $10 and you can get all the heros. The difference in the games is not enough to say one is that much better than the other.

The gameplay is currently extremely snowbally and QUICK. Most games you can surrender at 15 and everyone knows they lost, but even if you don't it takes about 20 min for the team to win. Frankly whoever starts winning is just going to snowball via deathball and win. There is no comeback mechanic. Of course they will work on gameplay mechanics but the patch notes between the final test and now don't bode well for the future. Hardly anything meaningful was done and the same OP champs are still OP - so if you shell out $10 per, you too can play the crazy OP champ.
Opublikowana: 7 grudnia 2022.
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Według 31 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
74.0 godz. łącznie (46.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
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Fun game, esp for the price tag.

I'm a solo player and have had a lot of fun interactions with other players. But more importantly I'm able to compete as a solo. The thing I don't like about other extraction games is the 1vX and the gunplay make you worry about such a large radius. With this, I can "play smart" and have a much better chance of success. Engage when/how I want for the most part, and if I need to run I usually can.. Really the first extraction type game I feel comfortable with.

The PVE on the first map is pretty easy. Def ramps up on the 2nd and 3rd map and solo gets a little less viable, but still very fun.

The combat is really skill based, so any player can be dangerous.. Solo players can also get AI to help them out. Right now they aren't the BEST ai, but they have def helped. Need to pay attention to them so just the aspect to prevent the others from being able to simply swarm you is valuable in itself to make plays.

Devs are very active on discord, and quick to put out patches/hotfixes.

I do suggest it for anyone that likes melee combat, with the Tarkov-like game loop. Worth it right now for fun and help give feedback and shape the game as it develops.
Opublikowana: 20 sierpnia 2022.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
110.0 godz. łącznie (33.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Right now I can't suggest it.
The performance is the best WH I have seen. I was just playing WH2 in hype for this game, on the same system, same disk space and this runs 10x better. Loading times are only a few seconds for battles and maybe 30 seconds to load a save..

But that being said, the gameplay is very.. meh. The whole chaos realm aspect forces a particular gameplay style, which really cripples the best part of the game - the very uniqueness of the races. You are basically forced to turtle when they open so you can close all the portals, or risk an army spawning and corruption putting your empire to waste.
You can only send your Lord to the chaos realm, which also guarantees they will get at least 1 (probably more - many more) crippling debuffs. When they exit, they have to sit in a faction capital / settlement specific to removing the debuff which has a 50% chance to remove. I have had my lord sitting in a capital for 10+ turns waiting for 3 debuffs to cleanse.
This also pushes towards building your lords towards replenishment. You get a warning when the gates will open, so if your lord is going to battle, they have to finish and recover quickly.. Not to mention the chaos realm has multiple battles, so again you will encamp in there.

I just wish it was a bit more wide open, or less constrained in the gameplay.. The races are very cool.
Opublikowana: 21 lutego 2022.
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14.7 godz. łącznie (4.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
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If you took the poor design choices from other Battle Royale games and put them all into one - it would be this game.
Gunplay feels terrible, partially because of third person probably, or the fact people are climbing buildings and sliding, vaulting, whatever other movement gimmick you can think of.. They should just add CODs quickscoping so they don't forget any other abysmal mechanics.
I keep playing the game, watching streams thinking "What am I missing? There has to be something here.. But after every session I come to the same conclusion that this is one of the worst games I have played in my entire life.
Opublikowana: 20 września 2021.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
9.8 godz. łącznie (8.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I'm really trying to enjoy the game but then again after a few matches I am so excited to close the game and do something else.
One of the biggest problems right now is Matchmaking. The lobby takes a while to fill up (feels like the game is dieing despite 9000+ people playing on Steam alone), and when it does it has some new people and then extremely high level people. For a complex game, putting people who are learning maps against people who have 100s of games is just not fun. Not to mention these high levels have the character's perks unlocked to further their advantage.
The other big problem is that the "meta" of the game is to actually not play the game's mechanics at all. I thought it was cool to stealth around and kill the NPCs and all that.. No, sadly the goal is to just rush to sheriff, grab the key, and get the chest to a favorable spot and extract it. Who cares about getting spotted when you can just take a huge train of NPCs and "lose" them somewhere to spawn camp your enemy. The game really devolves into TDM/Capture point control during the final phase of extracting the chest. All that really matters is who gets the last tick on the extract, so it is a problem when the goal is to let the enemy team do all the work just to zerg at the last second and steal the victory. At first I thought "wow we were really lucky to steal that one." Until it happened over and over, and someone explained to me thats what you want to do.
It's just a serious problem when the goal of the game is to not do anything related to what the game is.
The character balance is terrible so probably 25-40% of the games are actually enjoyable.
Finally I am not sure what you are really playing for.. You get gold at the end which you can split between your pocket or upgrading your hideout to unlock more cosmetics. I was looking though these cosmetics and they are all the same outfits just different colors here or there. On one hand I'm glad an EA title looks to focus on things other than cosmetics since that doesn't add a lot to the game itself but on the other hand, these are just terrible.. and there is a LOT of them. When I look at someone there is just enough to recognize what character they are, not "oooh they have RED shoulderpads" or "wow that bow has 100 pixels of green in it, very nice!!".
It is really just a basic TDM/Cap point game with some stealth/assassination aspects to mostly ignore. Hopefully they put out some patches so people actually play the mechanics of the game.
Opublikowana: 11 maja 2021.
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Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
40.8 godz. łącznie (11.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
It's a fun game for a few hours, but then just falls flat on its face. After about 5 hours, my first playthough was done (I didn't even realize it at that time).
There are some deep mechanics, they don't really have any actual impact at all as some are just not meaningful in any way, not complete, or do absolutely nothing.
Below I will list the issues I have noticed, and will not include any bugs I encountered.

I tried to play like a non-threatening boss at the start. Go to sitdowns rather than the other options. In the end I was always offered a business proposal, they would admire something about my empire and offer me some small perk. In return they would say something about "cheap muscle" and I can't figure out what I am supposed to do to hold up my end of the bargain.. I assume it has something to do with my security level, but I don't see any interactions that would let me do anything to help them. So that was a bunch of negative honor for failing to do my part.

I started off doing the quests (which were overwhelming at the start as I didn't realize some were timed - which caused an original "made" person leave the crew - no problem I instantly hired them right back). But then once I took the first neighborhood, money (and thus making trades) was a non-issue. Also, CPU "Hey help me in this war" Me. "Whats in it for me?" and proceeds to check off everything the enemy owns.. CPU: "Sounds fair".. Me: does literally nothing, CPU wins war and gives me the entire empire they just took. o.O Along those lines too, once I started exploring other neighborhoods- since I was getting rackets in them from the CPU wars, I realized Chinatown was totally desolate besides minor factions. The CPU never expanded there or really at all. After ~8hr my first game, I had 60 rackets and the next closest boss was at 12. My money is over 10k per week that I just reinvest in upgrades to make more, and a ton more security.

The interiors are just there for looks. I'm not sure why there is mechanics like hired people can get STDs or drunk depending on if they are in one too long. I hung out in one to see if eventually they would go do their own thing, nope, everyone just stayed by me. I then thought maybe you were supposed to leave them there to defend, as some have perks that benefit a particular racket.. But why? Only being able to hire 10, I couldn't cover everything.. On that note, the defenses are a joke and you are forced to do them.. "X is attacking your building!" /fight Cool my 6 guys Vs their 3, using just generic sawed off shotguns and pistols mostly. So boring and you have no chance to get yourself or any of your bosses to that random location - so again it is boring and basically pointless. At least let us Sim it when the odds are like that.

Once I took safehouses in other places, it asked me to make someone a Lt. I did, but they don't actually get promoted to that position and has no impact on gameplay since they still just follow me around. I also inserted someone as a Mole into Capone's group - 3 hr later no clue what impact that had. There was no additional options to have him do something, and I didn't get any secret info. You already get all the info you would need, down to "their plans" from the 1000 panels in game.

Looking at the black book, I have 7 people from there. The AI owns 3 total, through all the other bosses.. The cheap people are decent, and get pretty strong when leveled up. But once they like you, then you can recruit their friends without reaching that notoriety level - and the higher level ones are gods, and the drawback is they are very expensive up front - except money is no issue. 99 marksmanship, just give them a sniper rifle - or regular rifle, and GG. They 100% whatever they can see. Plus my entire crew likes each other besides one guy who loves someone who doesn't love them back. So the biggest mistake is to injure/down one of my guys because then everyone else goes into a rage and unloads on anyone they can see. It pretty much wipes the entire enemy squad and I did nothing at all.

Finally the RPG elements feel shallow. Nothing has a meaningful game impact here either. It is basically if YOU want to roleplay a character a bit and self impose rules to follow. The sit down dialogue just makes no sense.. The last person I met was Sai Wing Mock.. His attitude was "who are you, why should I care, you are nobody etc" Well.... I have 60 rackets and you are down to your last safehouse.... soooooo... ok bye.

Im sure the AI stupidity in combat has been beaten to death.. But I will add that during street fights, there is always some random thug or 2 virtually out of vision that gets involved in the fight. So after 3 rounds and everyone is dead, im like... Whaaaaaa? Oh, dude 2 blocks away is still running up.. Don't worry we'll wait.. Along those lines, when you attack a building, most of the safehouses seem to be the same map and everyone spawns at the door. but the other buildings? Why do some of my people start in a bedroom half way into the building? It isn't xcom where you can scout and setup before you are noticed/attack.

Right now I am at 480 notoriety - nobody else in the game has 100 yet. I saw some smashed rackets but really, they AI just doesn't try to "build an empire" as much as they just chop each others legs off. I was hoping that it would be viable to go smash their breweries so they can't make money in the other rackets, but what is the point? There doesn't seem to be any reason to attack their economy over brute forcing shooting them in the face, ever.. Even if you raze it, it disables the building for a year - but in a year I could turn it into something useful.. And for what it's worth, I'm only 1.5 years into my game and it is LONG over. So that option basically removes the building for the entire game.

Overall I'd give it a 6.4/10. Do I regret buying it? Not to the degree of "I wish i refunded it" necessarily - that is extreme for me. But would I recommend it to someone? No. Maybe if it was $20-30 and after seeing what they address.. But realistically I don't see a real reason to play through a second time, unless you really just want to be another boss or try a different strategy to win - which will probably work because the AI can't tie its own shoes, much less run an empire.
Opublikowana: 2 grudnia 2020.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
19.4 godz. łącznie (19.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I'm on the fence 55% negative.
It is a solid RTS, as the original is one of my all time favs. But I can only play so much skirmish. My jam in the original was treaty (NoRush) games.. In the original, lobby issues were expected.. whatever. Now not only do they still exist, it feels worse. Lobbies bug out and need to be remade all time.. People disconnect quite a bit.
I have almost 20 hours in the game at this point and I have completed a grand total of 3 online games according to the game. People leave, and then there is a major crashing issue. I can't tell you how many games I played that IF we finally get post-treaty, the game eventually crashed for myself or someone else and that's that. There is nothing more frustrating than preparing for a big battle for 40-60min just to have the game crash, especially when there is a epic back and forth..

Realistically I don't enjoy playing the early game over and over with no payoff of seeing how everything unfolds. So once these issues are fixed, I will gladly change my rating. I will also continue to play around in the game until I move on.

But that is a deal breaker for me. There needs to be a way to reconnect if someone loses connection for a minute or the game crashes.
Opublikowana: 18 października 2020.
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Według 5 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
15.3 godz. łącznie
Bought the game years ago and put it down because I thought it had potential.

Apparently the devs didn't think so because the game is worse than it was in EA, less features, and nothing that was promised.

An absolute scam and this type of practice should not be allowed in gaming or any business for that matter.
Opublikowana: 14 sierpnia 2020.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
52.1 godz. łącznie (44.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
The story was actually good, but that is it. I'm not going to harp on the release issues, but to see that after 4 months they still have not fixed the meat and potatoes of the game - endgame. 4 maps, on repeat, 100s of times. The grind is insane and does not feel rewarding in the slightest. Considering you can just respec, it really isn't worth it to make a new character and enjoy the good part - the story again. So there really isn't nearly the replay value that other ARPGs have after the main story ends.

My standard is 1hr per $1 the game costs. Yes I am posting this at 40+ hours but a ton of that was spent with the client just being open when the game was unplayable at launch.
Opublikowana: 20 czerwca 2020.
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Według 71 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 26 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
4.3 godz. łącznie (2.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I have no idea what this game is really trying to be. The combat isn't good enough for it to be just a shooter.. There isn't enough else going on to make it really feel like a MOBA.. The closest thing I can think of is "The Cycle".

Basically you do some PVE - which is mostly a waste of time because getting PVP kills is much better essence. So you have a few teamfights and whoever wins just snowballs the rest of the game because of the advantage in levels they have.

The whole concept of the game is not compelling in the least. I have no idea the direction it is intending to go in but it would probably have better luck as a traditional MOBA with lanes and creep waves more than this arena shooter teamfight style thing it is trying to do. The current game modes are just boring. Poorly thought out and void of any strategy. Just use clunky combat to kill..

After my first match I thought, "wow that really wasnt any fun at all.. maybe I am missing something?" played 5 more games and not one time did I think "that was really cool!" or "that was really fun!" .. nothing.. I tried all the characters out.. but in the end I just cannot find one redeeming quality about the game. I have nothing at all positive to say about it.
Opublikowana: 20 maja 2020.
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Wyświetlanie 11-20 z 53 pozycji