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lighthouse 2 May, 2014 @ 10:05pm 
rip in peace morningwood
lighthouse 14 May, 2013 @ 7:53pm 
I miss you </3
legned 15 Aug, 2012 @ 9:10pm 
It begins with quality, homegrown potatoes, just as it always has. Simple, wholesome and real. First we carefully wash, peel and slice the potatoes. Then we cook them until they are perfectly crispy, bringing out their wonderful potato taste. Finally, we add salt for flavour. Delicious ingredients and homegrown potatoes - so you get that perfect, crispy chip every time you reach into our bag.
lag 15 Aug, 2012 @ 9:10pm 
It begins with quality, homegrown potatoes, just as it always has. Simple, wholesome and real. First we carefully wash, peel and slice the potatoes. Then we cook them until they are perfectly crispy, bringing out their wonderful potato taste. Finally, we add salt for flavour. Delicious ingredients and homegrown potatoes - so you get that perfect, crispy chip every time you reach into our bag.
lighthouse 15 Aug, 2012 @ 9:09pm 
It begins with quality, homegrown potatoes, just as it always has. Simple, wholesome and real. First we carefully wash, peel and slice the potatoes. Then we cook them until they are perfectly crispy, bringing out their wonderful potato taste. Finally, we add salt for flavour. Delicious ingredients and homegrown potatoes - so you get that perfect, crispy chip every time you reach into our bag.
box 15 Aug, 2012 @ 9:09pm 
It begins with quality, homegrown potatoes, just as it always has. Simple, wholesome and real. First we carefully wash, peel and slice the potatoes. Then we cook them until they are perfectly crispy, bringing out their wonderful potato taste. Finally, we add salt for flavour. Delicious ingredients and homegrown potatoes - so you get that perfect, crispy chip every time you reach into our bag.