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Canidium 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 424.4시간 (평가 당시 289.9시간)
I was growing up playing AoE and AoE 2, so I might be a bit biased. But then again, I also preferred WC2 over these kinds of strategy games...
Anyways, I've spent almost 300hours in this now, and yes, I'm aware that this is nothing compared to others. But pretty much every second I've spent in the game have been entertaining. Not every game has been filled with joy as I've been stomped by both the AI and other players, but I've been entertained.
The game is a remastered version of the original, yes, but is is better? That's a clear yes from me!
As I can spend an hour on a single game easily, it's fun! I'm not good at the game, I'm considered average according to the rating system. I don't care tho, I have fun playing it and I will keep on playing it.

I was a bit disappointed with new civs coming out as a DLC, but then I bit the bullet and got them too. I'm hesitant against DLC since I want to get the game when I buy it, then again, I was gifted this from a friend...

Should you get this game? Well, I would say yes, but I'm biased. It's fun, and it's brought me lots of fun for many hours. So I'm all for it.

As AoE 4 was just released you might think, shouldn't I be getting the latest game instead? They're two completely different games. AoE 3 had the same issue as AoE 4, they're so different from their predecessor that you can't compare them. Yes, they're strategy games, but the pace and flow of the game is so different that I don't want to compare them.

I'm rambling. Get the game, play it and enjoy it. I did.
And if you don't, well, you could've spent your money on worse things...
2021년 11월 29일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 3.1시간
Got this from a friend a looooong time ago, but due to the login issues with the separate account I never really got around playing it.

So now I saw that they've "fixed" all those problems and such 'n such. So I figured I should test it out.
Start game.
One server with 2 people on it. Try to connect, get failed to connect. Restart game, still same problem. So I launch up single player instead thinking I should at least see how the game behaves.

Well, first thing that hits me is the fact that the game doesn't support my resolution, and I can't be bothered to look around in the settings files just for that, so I run it in a lower resolution with my aspect ratio. Get in to the game, notice that the game looks like s**t.
Start to walk around, well, that's a surprise, the game handles like s**t.
Take my butter knife, that looks like a kitchen knife, encounter an enemy. Ain't that also a surprise, I can't attack!?
So I become food for something ugly. Oh well, it's just a game, so I restart the game and spawn in on single player again. This time I test swing my knife 2 times before doing anything else.
Start moving towards a safe zone. When I get there I buy a Katana and lo and behold. The model for it doesn't even appear in my hand.

Long story made short:
This game is broken, ugly, handles like sh*t, multiplayer is dead and this is just what I found out in the small time I played it. If I would've paid for it, I would've demanded a refund and compensation for any kind of mental damage that might've occured.

Would I recommend this to anyone? Fudge no, not even my worst enemies.
I would even say that this game manages to be worse than dun-dun-duuuuuun... War Z. After all, it looks like it's the same game engine.

So if you have €10 to waste on something I suggest you take a lighter and burn your money instead. Heck, that would give you more entertainment value than this P.O.S.
2016년 3월 17일에 게시되었습니다.
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아직 아무도 이 평가가 유용하다고 하지 않음
기록상 90.2시간 (평가 당시 48.9시간)
Really fun game. Lots of lore, well written lore for that matter too. And you can feel how Lovecraft breathes through the storyline.
I've just started out in it, and I've been sitting non-stop. And even though I've played quite a bit, I've got - seriously, I mean it - a lot of game left for my buck.

I just wish I'd discovered this gem when its release day.
Highly recommended to any RPG fan out there.
2013년 9월 28일에 게시되었습니다.
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