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Według 5 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
2.5 godz. łącznie
I completed the demo and enjoyed it. Once I figured out the rules i.e. what the different keyboard commands did, the puzzles provided a decent degree of challenge and satisfaction to solve. I also liked the nested level design idea.

Here are the areas that I think could use improvement (some mentioned by other reviewers)

*I missed a few of the floating text boxes because I had my own agenda of where I wanted to look, and by the time I noticed the game was trying to tell me something via the floating text, the text was gone.
> I read some of the text, and I think they were trying to explain the game mechanics and key commands, but it certainly did not explain things well enough for me.
> I had to spend a few minutes experimenting to figure it out. I understand if you want players to figure it out on their own, but honestly I think maybe provide an option to pop up a cheat sheet along the lines of the following:
E: unplug / take "cable end" (with caveat that it doesn't actually disconnect until you plug it in elsewhere)
F:plug in taken "cable end"
R: return the cable back to its power source
Right click: cycle receptacle or flip switch
Left click: pick up or drop cube".

* Player movement is generally too slow. Add a run key or increase default speed
* Platform movement is excruciatingly slow, and is even more apparent when I am simply waiting for an empty platform to return to me.
* Levels start looking vary samey - this doesn't affect gameplay too much, but it does make things a bit boring, reducing anticipation of wondering what the next level will look like, and along with that, slightly less motivation to solve the puzzles that will open up the next level.
* Within the same level, rooms look far too similar. I would say this is somewhat gameplay-affecting.
> Makes it hard to make a mental label for the room so I can think about the overall puzzle more abstractly.
> An associated problem is that I need to occasionally look around the room and to remember if this is the room I am supposed to be in, according to my mental plan.
* Power-cube-receivers should be a bit more visually distinctive
* I never figured out what those big, interesting-looking (and highlighted by the game) ceiling mounted devices do. I thought they had something to do with charging cubes, but if they were at all part of the gameplay, I must have used them by accident.
* Cube dropping is janky. In two of the cases where you need to drop a cube from a higher level onto a (movable, but stationary at the time I needed to drop the cube) energy-cube-receiving platform, it's very hard to predict where the cube will land and I had it land on the platform then roll off. This was needlessly frustrating as I then had to jump down to get the cube then repeat some puzzling sequence and/or slow-walking to get back to the higher level.

Sorry if it sounds like a lot of negatives, but I only say all this because I care: Once again, I thought the puzzles were good and that to me is one of the most important aspects of a game like this.
Opublikowana: 4 września.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
19.1 godz. łącznie
A very polished experience - except for one thing which I will mention below.

The puzzles are pretty good and some took me quite a bit of time to solve. There's probably not much need for me to state the nature of the puzzles - you probably can get that from the official Steam page screenshots and description and from some of the other reviews. It is not an an extremely novel type of puzzle, although Archaica: The Path of Light does introduce a few new twists that are good.

While the game will run at many resolutions including my monitor's native 3840x1600, there is a gameplay issue if you use a certain "widescreen" aspect ratios like my monitors 12:5 which isn't that extreme. The game has certain "find the hidden object" objectives, that are impossible to complete if the game is being displayed in a widescreen aspect ratio. Although finding the objects is not critical for solving the main puzzles, finding them will allow you to request hints, get certain achievements and possibly (I am not sure) unlock bonus puzzles.

I played most of the game in my monitor's native resolution, made a note of where I missed the finding the hidden objects (there aren't that many - less than 10 total I would say) since the game makes it clear if you missed something, then quit and restarted the game to replay those sections in a more square aspect ratio. Oh - implied in what I said is the ability to go back to replay any level you have already played and the state of the level will be just as you left it, whether you completely solved it or not.
Opublikowana: 16 sierpnia. Ostatnio edytowane: 16 sierpnia.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
3.3 godz. łącznie
Fun! Puzzles were diverse, fairly original, and of moderate to easy difficulty, but not boring, and most felt well-integrated and relevant to the game - i.e. would not be the basis of a completely stand-alone puzzle. Pretty visuals.

Reading the reviews I saw the complaints about the annoying narrator, but fortunately the options menu allows you to completely silence him and only him by turning the slide for "voiceover" all the way down. I did that within seconds of starting the game.

However I saw subtitles - I don't remember if there was an option to turn them off, but they were in a small enough font to be ignorable. However, I didn't always read them because they usually came on when something more interesting is happing on the screen. I think they sometimes included very small hints that were mostly unnecessary / stating the obvious. So if there is an option to turn off subtitles, I would advise you to do that as well unless you're a very novice player and want to see every possible hint the game gives.

For achievement hunters: I completed the game but only got 3/10 achievements. Some of the other achievements are for doing silly things in the game (i.e. just for the sake of doing them, rather than to advance the game) and/or in co-op mode. Not gonna waste my time chasing those.

The game allows manual saves any time, and it seems to autosave very frequently. I did play in two sessions. In continuing the game in the second session, I encountered a small bug, but nothing game-breaking: a couple of items that had been in my inventory when I saved the first session, were no longer in my inventory. One item was in the place I originally found it, and the second one was obviously visible from where I appeared in the game world.

I played in single-player mode and it felt like a complete experience. I got this game as part of a bundle (which was a great deal) so I cannot complain about the short length compared to what I paid. However I would say it's normal Steam store price is too high. I would wait for at least 40% discount.

I am looking forward to the sequel which is currently in development and has it's own Steam page.
Opublikowana: 11 sierpnia.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
5.9 godz. łącznie
Good but not great.

The base gameplay mechanic is the ability to place a teleport sphere where you are standing, and then later being able to instantly teleport to that location, thereby also recycling that sphere so that you can place it elsewhere when the time comes. As the game progresses, you will have up to 3 teleport spheres at your disposal, colored blue, green and red. You can select which one to place, but teleporting back you will always teleport in the order of blue (if sphere is placed), green (if sphere is placed) and red (if sphere is placed). There are also "press to activate, unpress to deactivate" floor switches (and weighted cubes you can place thereupon), as well as toggle switches. Switches usually control either platforms that go up and down (and on which you could place a sphere), ramps that go up or down, or doors that open or close. Later in the game, the switches can control one more thing but I won't spoil it. Finally there are emancipation screens and pools which cancel/recycle any placed cubed or spheres. Recycled cubes go back to where they were at the start when you first entered puzzle chamber. If I recall correctly, that is the sum total of gameplay mechanisms.

The puzzles (organized essentially as a linear series of puzzle chambers) created with the combination of all these gameplay elements, is the core of the gameplay. Ultimately, I felt that the overall quality of the puzzles was a bit disappointing. The puzzle chambers were mostly rectangular rooms with some assortment of switches, doors, ramps, and so on that you've seen on previous levels, but almost zero other adornments or textures. As a result, the puzzle chambers all looked rather monotonous. Unfortunately, the underlying problem-solving aspect of the puzzles was also too similar, and I just didn't feel like any of them were very creative. They all just felt like more of the same.

Some of the puzzles did provide a pretty good challenge in terms of my time taken to solve them, but again I can't quite put my finger on why, but ultimately they just weren't that much fun in comparison to many other first-person puzzle platformers (probably my favorite genre) that I have played.

There is a story that didn't make much sense to me and voices talking to you the protagonist "test subject", as well as some very linear boring walking simulator sections that advance the story.

In summary the puzzles were OK but not great, and I did stick around to finish them all, so for that, the game deserves a thumbs up. I encountered no bugs.
Opublikowana: 10 sierpnia. Ostatnio edytowane: 10 sierpnia.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
5.9 godz. łącznie
The purpose of this review is to give this game another solid thumb's up. I had a lot of fun with it.

Read CindyK_JA's excellent review if you want to know more about the actual game. I agree with everything in that review.
Opublikowana: 11 lipca.
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Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
0.5 godz. łącznie
Its ok. 30 minutes long, somewhat amusing. It's a first-person, essentially a fairly linear walking simulator with a handful of puzzles, most of which are things we've seen in other FPS games. One puzzle towards the end involved messing with your perception somewhat, and was novel and creative. Not worth it at full price in my opinion, but acceptable if 50% off or more.
Opublikowana: 29 czerwca.
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Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
7.2 godz. łącznie
Very nice escape room. With two exceptions, the puzzles were creatively and fairly clued. Nice graphics, good clean simple interface. The real highlight of the game is the puzzle quality. The majority of the puzzles were in the form requiring you to enter a correct sequence e.g. combination lock codes, passwords, etc. I loved how the clues for the sequences were hidden and distributed - it was fun to draw the connections between clue and puzzle. Those were the best puzzles and thankfully there was quite a few of them.

A small number of puzzles were self-contained logic/math puzzles but most of those were not particularly fun nor creative (e.g. another variation of "lights out", etc.), and one such puzzle didn't make physical sense to me and I had to use the built-in hint feature which explained the game's way of thinking about it.

However, I wouldn't let a few somewhat less-than-stellar puzzles deter you from the overall experience, especially if you like puzzles of that sort that requires recognizing if something you are looking at could actually be a somewhat encrypted clue for a password/sequence you are looking for.
Opublikowana: 29 czerwca.
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Nikt jeszcze nie uznał tej recenzji jako przydatnej
8.2 godz. łącznie
Pretty awful.

TLDR version of review: The quality of the puzzles in this episode is significantly worse than in the first episode. The environments were less interesting, with much repetition in both puzzle type and room type.

I played and enjoyed The Green Room Experiment Episode 1 and gave it a positive review, and was really looking forward to this episode. Unfortunately Episode 2 was very disappointing.

There were at least 3 bland boring mazes added for no real reason other than to lengthen the game so that it took you longer to navigate from one point of interest to another. Among the areas that were "interesting" by comparison to the mazes, many were essentially repetitions of the same thing. For example, there were at least three separate movie theaters.

Almost all the puzzles in the game were simple "note this simple sequence and enter it elsewhere", and of those some were almost identical in form to each other. For example, again, in the afore-mentioned three movie theaters, each theater projected a movie that embedded a sequence of glyphs that you needed to enter into a door combination lock to allow you to progress to the next area. One or two "note this simple sequence and enter it elsewhere" puzzles were slightly more more interesting as they required you to do a trivial amount of mental translation from the format of the clue to the format the actual puzzle expected, but in most cases the translation was verbatim.

Oh lest I forget, sliding block puzzles. Three of them scattered throughout the game. In almost identical settings/rooms. Two of the three were 3x3 that actually had the same image that you had to get. I think the third sliding puzzle may have been a 4x4 (but could have been a 3x3) but at least had a different image.

I honestly can only recall a single puzzle in the whole game (the wooden box with the 3x3 knobs that you can see in the screenshots on the games main steam page) that was somewhat novel and required some actual reasoning to figure solve, and gave some satisfaction in doing so.

Overall, while playing this, all I could think of is how lazy the developers got with Episode 2 compared to their efforts in episode 1. Repetitive, unoriginal, boring puzzles. Repetitive environments.

Even the most visually interesting rooms in this episode were far less interesting than many found in Episode 1.

There are barely any quality of life features. The most egregious omission is that you cannot save mid-level. So if you quit in the middle having solved some of the puzzles in a level, you will have to repeat them next time you play. The only type of saving is an autosave at the beginning of each level. You cannot go back to previous levels. The game is very dark with no option to adjust gamma or brightness. Even the main menu is buggy. If you restart the game and want to continue at the last level you were on, clicking "continue" does nothing. Instead you need to click on "load game". That will load the last autosave.

Don't mind the long play time Steam recorded for me. Thanks to the lack of proper saving, I often left the game running unattended when I took breaks.
Opublikowana: 27 czerwca. Ostatnio edytowane: 27 czerwca.
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Według 5 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
6.2 godz. łącznie
Puzzles are mostly fairly easy but pretty good fun with small "Aha" moments when you understand a more difficult clue. I played the first game in the series a while ago, so I don't quite remember, but I think this one was easier than the first.

The clues are presented in a wide variety of interesting ways, and they are relevant and make sense, which is the most important thing with this kind of game.

There's an acceptable background story, and there is some minor exploration (to find objects or look for clues) and interactions with machines other than the central game-play mechanism where you are presented with box after box that you need to open.

There were a couple of puzzles that I didn't completely get the clue, and I brute-forced some combinations. Unfortunately, once you open a box, you're ushered to the next box, and cannot review why the clues made sense for what ultimately worked if you used some brute force or just got lucky. I think I only felt that way after two puzzles.
Opublikowana: 21 czerwca.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
15.4 godz. łącznie
Superb horror immersive sim with excellent atmosphere
Opublikowana: 30 maja.
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