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Опубликовано: 15 сен. 2022 г. в 13:54
Обновлено: 16 сен. 2022 г. в 0:44
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I'm really enjoying this game so far. A very decent puzzle platformer with a very fresh mechanic. The controls are extremely simple - most of the time you just use 2 keys for moving left and right. There are some other keys used, but never in a situation that requires precise timing for using them.

I am writing this review mainly on behalf of people who may be enticed by the puzzling aspect of the game but concerned that the game may be too tough requiring very fast reflexes. I would say as long as you have some reflexes and patience, so you should try out this game because I found the puzzling aspect worth it,

Please bear in mind I only just reached world 3 (from about 10 or so if I recall from the world select screen), but I am enjoying this game so much this far and wanted to write a review now.

Every world adds a new mechanic to keep the gameplay fresh. Every world so far as 12 levels total. Two of these are special: One is unlocked only after you find and turn on secret switches in one of the 10 normal levels, and the other is unlocked using stars that you collect from completing levels (nearly) perfectly. I managed to unlock both of these special levels in the first world. One of the special levels was just a slightly harder version of the rest of the levels in that world, but the other was ridiculously hard from a timing/reflexes point of view and it's unlikely that I have the coordination to complete it.

This brings us the type of challenges this game presents. I would say it is divided roughly evenly between requiring dexterity and precision timing, and requiring brains to figure out the puzzle of what sequence to try and execute. Actually to be honest, at my age my reflexes are slowing down and I would say the bigger challenge is the dexterity part which is why I am increasingly shying away from games that require such precision. However, in this case I found the puzzling part satisfying and enjoyable enough that I don't mind retrying the same tricky timing section ten times.

I think what is so appealing to me is that this momentum based mechanic is very fresh; after seeing and playing countless great, masterpiece-level puzzle games that fundamentally rely on a Sokoban mechanic but with very cool new twists and variations, it is so nice to see something so different with zero Sokoban basis. Maybe this is not a fair comparison across very different genres, since this game requires reflexes and most Sokoban-based puzzlers don't. I guess I wanted to point out that there is a very fresh "thinking" component to this game that is still simple enough to describe as the thinking component of Sokoban-likes, but also so very different.

Again (if the rest of the game is similar to the levels I have played so far), 11 of the 12 levels in each world can be completed perfectly using my aging reflexes. Being perfect means not using the "partial reset" key to get you out of a dead end. I think some levels allow you 1 or 2 of these partial resets and you can still get the star. I call it a partial reset because using that option still preserves the state of the switches on the level to what you may have set them to earlier. You can also completely restart a level (resetting the state of all the switches in it), in which case you are given a new chance to complete it perfectly and get the star.

It seems that the bonus unlockable-by-stars level on each world requires increasing multiples of 10 stars collected (I assume cumulatively). In other words: world 1's bonus levels requires 10 stars, world 2's bonus requires 20 stars, etc., so the bottom line is that I think you can still unlock all the bonus levels in the game even if you only perfect 10 of the 12 levels in each world on average.

It also seems that the next world is unlocked after you complete a certain number of levels in a world - I am not sure how many. I do not believe there is any requirement to complete any of those perfectly to unlock the next world. This means that as long as you complete most levels (use the partial-reset key to get you out of dead ends as many times as you want) you should be able to unlock all the levels in the games except the (in my opinion) ridiculously hard one in each world.
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Комментариев: 1
I Love Puzzle Games 15 сен. 2022 г. в 18:55 
Great review, thank you; one more game on my whishlist!