Papa Zen
Cyrus   Texas, United States
Life is like a good book. You can reflect on what you have read, and you can forshadow what is to come from what you have read. You still have to read each word, one at a time. Just like you have to take each moment one at a time.

Sure, some folks may have already read the book and try to tell you what the book is all about, but you won't experience it yourself, until you read it.

Don't listen to me though, I'm just an old man rambling on about what I have read.
현재 오프라인
제품 평가 전시대
79시간 플레이
To sum up the gameplay of Sleeping Dogs is simple. Take Batman Arkam City and add Saints Row open map structure and dating. If you are familiar with those games then you know exactly how Sleeping Dogs will play. In short, you have a fairly decent arcade style system based around counters and grapples being paper or scissors to your opponents rock (blocking) or scissors (attacking). Your opponent blocks, you grapple, they attack, you counter and repeat with a sprinkling of chain combo moves if you learned them.

The story is classic Hong Kong, Loyalty, Corruption, Family, Sacrifice, Law VS. Criminals and the grey line in the middle of the two. If you have watched Hard Boiled then you have a solid basis for how this game plays out. It's not new, but they do a good job making you actually care about some of the people that die in this game. Yes, people die, alot of people die, alot. In fact, most of the main characters, die.

The story was good, and there was depth. Try it.
좋아하는 그룹
Normal people calmly going about their lives.
게임 중
채팅 중
스크린샷 전시대
18 kill streak. New ADC Champ may be ok.
Papa Zen 2013년 12월 20일 오전 9시 44분 
Even better.
Papa Zen 2013년 12월 11일 오후 2시 27분 
Purty added.
Kyosumari 2013년 8월 15일 오후 8시 17분 
I think it needs frilly things. Make it purty.
Papa Zen 2013년 8월 14일 오전 5시 50분 
Bells and whistles added to my profile. Hmm, fancy.
Kyosumari 2013년 6월 25일 오후 7시 33분 
I am now up in your profile page, raping all your...things. Or something. Yeah. Sounds good.
Papa Zen 2011년 9월 16일 오전 4시 56분 
Well, not everything is loaded. Except my guns.