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Empyrion - Galactic Survival

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Mostrando 1-3 de 3 aportaciones
Trig's Utility Things
Colección creada por Trig
Collection of things I've made that are not really for direct combat or dedicated mining. Mostly updated for A9 A9 Ready stuff will be at the top of the list below. Includes the Utility vessel SV and it's various spin-offs. Currently only the Utility Shutt
Simple spawnpads - Alpha 7
Colección creada por Trig
Decided to go ahead and put these in a collection. Alpha 7 only lets you spawn SV, HV, CV on a base platform bigger than the Width and Depth of the item you are spawning. I've made these simple base platforms of concrete or wood to be a cheap and easy way
Trig's Mining Equipment
Colección creada por Trig
(above pic is from alpha 7.6, most of that stuff is outdated and removed, will try to get a new pic when I get enough stuff made or updated to be worth a collection picture) Slowly working on reviving this collection and adding fresh stuff or updating the
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