lab coat geek boy   United States
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Sol Raven 29. bře. v 19.24 
Hope you're doing well friend, stay safe.
Benad 30. čvn. 2021 v 14.41 
+rep best friend :3
Cstle 6. pro. 2018 v 19.17 
welcome back, old friend :csgo_banana:
Derpinoid 28. říj. 2018 v 14.25 
So, a whole bunch of things happened all at once, and I really didn't explain or talk about the total ♥♥♥♥ storm taking that admin position caused for me. You guys didn't really need to hear it, and it's not that important in the greater reality, but the whole thing left a really bad taste in my mouth. I've been playing a lot less games and making stuff a lot more, which is good for me.
Jared's 6 inch 23. pro. 2017 v 5.19 
I miss you so 200 + days damm we are almost to a year with out you that's to long and we hope you come back.
Your friend Jared
MR. ROBO HEAVY 25 9. srp. 2017 v 16.19 
I miss you dude, The best damn Admin on idle 1. Best comrade we had