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2,003 Hours played
I can not recommend this game.

Evrima has been developed for 2 years now, and game is still very un-optimised, and imbalanced. Game play is kill on sight, and Herbivores water and body camp Carnivores.

Legacy was kept alive by private servers, and I too can't recommend that either. The availability of servers have narrowed down to a pay to win model. Where admins are bias in favour of the donators.

On a recent return to legacy. There is no anti cheat, and hacking is rampant. Ever since Dyro burrow patch by the devs, it's been down hill. Community have released map textures and skin packs. No foliage, glow in the dark skins. Survival and core mechanics have been crippled from the game. Safe to say the community has done more harm than the devs at this point.

Developers as slow as they are, need to think about longevity, and how the community supports this game. This will be alleviated by focusing on admin tools, and player tools like replays for Evrima first.