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Julkaistu: 14.3.2018 klo 11.49

I have read many TFC "reviews", and I use that term loosely, that express the reviewer's dismay at the lack of subtlety between classes. The use of grenades compared to the absence of grenades in TF2. STOP RIGHT THERE. You must know your history before you can start comparing these two games from the same company that would indicate a sequential progression from one to another. Unfortunately, these are two completely different games that should technically have been named something completely different. Go read this for your history lesson: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Team_Fortress_2

Team Fortress 2 was promised to be one thing and ended up being delivered almost 8 years later as something totally different. So different from it's predecessor as to be recognized as something totally different by TFC players. Those players have never gotten a true TFC sequel. TF2 forces the teamplay aspect by it's design. TFC to a contrast allows for a team oriented experience unparalelled by TF2 due to one aspect that was never added to TF2 and that is grenades. They grant special "abilities" in their class specific grenades that can soften defenses and allow a standout solo player to excel. I would wager that an experienced TFC team would completely destroy a TF2 team in either game because of the dynamics that can make TFC brutal.

Some people hate TF2, some people love it, and the same goes for TFC. As we all know THAT part is subjective. What cannot be argued is the factual ways in which the game plays. When I read a review for a product I want facts. You can summarize your overall opinion but give people facts that they might decide whether or not to try the game based on those facts.

This is the new player's first hurdle. While not visually stunning the graphics were never meant to be beautiful. TFC is a dark, gritty world of killing and flag capturing. If you want to change the look of the game, amazingly, there are still sites around like https://gamebanana.com/ that still have custom textures, sprites, and models to change the look of many games older and current. No matter what you do you are not getting 2018 graphics on TFC - ain't happenin'. The good news is you aren't here for eye candy or hats, you are here for blood!

Team Fortress was born from an age of death match (DM) games like Doom, Quake, and Duke Nukem. Having such a pedigree it is no wonder that it is 1 part DM, 1 part strategy, and 2 parts team play. The reason I say that is you have to understand the role of the various moving parts.
Grenades - Your average TF2 player shows up on a TFC server and within 2 minutes chances are he has been killed multiple times with not a hat in sight! Most often with some variety of grenade. It can be a brutal and unwelcoming experience. One thing TFC is not is easy to jump in to and start "competing" with vets but that is the way of any established property. You have to go in knowing what you are getting into, hence the importance of a good, unbiased, educated review!
You have MANY types of grenades in TFC (in fact all classes get 2 types of grenades) and NO types of grenades in TF2. This statement leads us into classes. In addition to understanding what is up with all these grenades you must know what is up with these classes! All classes get a shotgun and regular grenades (frag grenades) beyond that read for specialties below:

Soldier - Rocket launcher, nail grenades, Slower than average movement speed above average armor
This class is heavily utilized for defense but can also be a more than effective offensive player. His nail grenades spew nails for several seconds before detonating like a frag grenade. Great for shredding sentry guns and defender armor. He can also use his frag grenades in combination with a rocket to perform extraordinary jumps allowing him to get through even the heaviest defense.

Heavy Weapons Guy – Auto Cannon (AC Gun or Gatling gun), MIRV grenades.
Very slow moving, high armor and ammo capacity.
This class is primarily used as a defensive class. His auto cannon is a shredder and the MIRV grenade has an initial explosion which causes the grenade to then split into pieces causing several secondary explosions.

Pyro – Flame thrower, RPG that fires incendiary rockets, incendiary grenades that burst into a small “field” of flames and burn several seconds before dieing out
Average Speed, average armor
Defensive or offensive class the Pyro can use his burning mechanics to take out SGs on the one hand and create chaos in defenses or he can fortify the flag by keeping the floor around it on fire while pummeling enemies with incendiary rockets or his flame thrower.

Engineer – Can build a Sentry gun in 3 various levels, can build ammo center for ammo and armor, has wrench to heal builds with, and has a “laser” gun that can push enemies and objects. He also possesses powerful grenades called emps. They are concussive and can destroy people and items thru walls.
Average speed, average armor
Primarily defense the engineer’s most effective weapon besides his builds are his emp grenades. They explode in a large radius and causes ammo packs laying about and on people to explode more powerfully than average. An engineer can also be good for offense to help break though a particularly sticky defense. He carries 4 emp grenades and 4 frag grenades. That’s A LOT of firepower!

Spy – Tranquilizer gun, pill grenades, knife, ability to disguise as any enemy class
Faster than average speed
The spy is generally offensive due to his lack of firepower but in the right hands a seasoned player can make ANYONE pay with a spy. Their special grenade is an area of effect device. When it discharges it sends out a field of dizzying particles that cause confusion and disorientation in players. This effect leaves them more susceptible to the spy’s knife and stealth tactics. The spy can also “feign death” which means he can play dead disguised as any enemy class and hide in plain sight.

Demolition Man – MIRV grenades like the Heavy Weapons class, a special one use detonation device “det pack” , auto detonating pipe bombs and pipe bombs you can plant and detonate on command
The Demo as the class is generally referred to is an outstanding defensive OR offensive class player.
He can use MIRVS to clear a room or bring down sentry guns. He can use his det pack to blow up special walls or objectives or to wipe out unsuspecting attackers in large groups. His pipe bombs can be used to lay in wait for the unobservant or he can fire auto exploding ipe bombs into a crowded target. Very diverse and very powerful.

Sniper – Frag grenades only, shot gun, machine gun (AR), and sniper rifle.
Above average speed.
We all know what a sniper can do in any game where he can hide and ply his skills. This sniper is a bit different due to his speed and his machine gun. He can get himself out of certain situations and go back to being an effective sniper.

Medic – Concussion grenades (Concs), Medkit used to heal friendlies or poison enemies, nail gun.
The medic be a versatile attacker or defender. He can use his medpack to keep friendly soldiers in the fight behind enemy lines, he can use his concussion grenades to make enemies dizzy and unable to aim properly then switch to his medpack to poison their ranks! He can use that same grenade to power tremendous jumps helping to cover great distances with flag in hand and score points for his team. Defensively he can heal wounded teammates and use the same effects on attacking enemies as he would if he were attacking the enemy!

Scout – Concussion grenades, caltrops (floor spikes), nail gun
Extremely fast
Offensive. Uses all mechanics to attack and capture flags and objectives. Uses concussion grenades like the medic only to even greater effect in combination with his amazing speed!

This basic overview will give you enough information to get an idea about how to use each class and their potential!
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9 kommenttia
V1ralSteve e.x.e 6.7.2023 klo 22.14 
9,364.8 hrs on record (7,546.4 hrs at review time)
Mate :alertalert:
Good job on 9.3k, I thought 5.5k was a lot, but good dear was I mistaken how much higher yours is...
Dedzju 24.12.2021 klo 0.59 
"These games are so different in mechanics and gameplay that I seriously doubt a tfc player would know where to start when playing or observing a competitive tf2 match, and vice versa." I agree. And as a TFC vet, I was growing tired of the spam on pubs so it's actually not that bad that TF2 has no grenades... :sentry:
TheletterL 24.12.2021 klo 0.01 
"I would wager that an experienced TFC team would completely destroy a TF2 team in either game" These games are so different in mechanics and gameplay that I seriously doubt a tfc player would know where to start when playing or observing a competitive tf2 match, and vice versa.
GeoTheMan 28.12.2019 klo 19.20 
Im thinking about getting this, but is there even any servers? If only like 2 or 3 people play im not getting it. Anybody who plays this, can you tell me What is the Average servers In this game?
Edward_shooter 22.5.2018 klo 0.42 
"TF2 has no grenades."

Although not every class in TF2 has grenades, Soldier, Demoman, Engineer and Pyro still have their ability to do "jumps".

Such as Engineer, he can do "Sentry Rocket Jumps" and "Mini-Sentry Jumps" by using sentry rockets and bullet knock back.

Pyro can reflect enemy rockets to do jumps, or use Detonator or Scorch Shot to do "Flare Jumps".

Scout can Double Jump, Triple Jump with the help of Atomize, and even Multiple Jumps when using the Soda Popper.

Soldier and Demoman are basically the same as TFC.

But yeah, Heavy, Sniper, Medic and Spy cannot perform any jumps.
ToneZone 19.5.2018 klo 7.20 
TFC was the game for me! Heavy emphasis on the 'T' in TFC; TEAM. Medic O or Soldier D were my two classes. ;) Great writeup!
SpamDaddy -tF- 7.5.2018 klo 18.54 
LOL It gets left up at work for days on end =P
Gessuto 28.4.2018 klo 13.20 
I have never seen 8000 hour on any game yet!
Mina 28.4.2018 klo 2.48 
8,067.2 hours wow how long do u play this game?