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Senaste recensioner av hixel

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7 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
3.4 timmar totalt (1.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Seriously amazing game. It is a massive improvement to the typical dungeon crawling roguelite game that you've seen before. I fell in love with the demo and I can't wait to get through the full version now!

The good stuff:

- Unique ally / co-op system: You have an ally that will position themselves based on your command. Both you and your ally will level up and choose skill upgrades separately. This allows for HUGE amounts of synergy / gameplay variation. You can also play the game co-op!

- Ability / item synergies: There are spell types that get additional effects at certain levels. From there, the relics offered will offer improvements to specific spell types. This adds so much to the game, and I am sure you could spend hours planning out a min/max build because of this

- Revival system: The health / revival system is quite unique to me. It's hard to explain fully, but basically you can resurrect if your ally still has health. and you clear the room. The tax for this is 50% of the ally remaining health. This means you have to build your ally as a good side hero, but also as a player that can stand their own ground in case you die. Really cool!

Can't say enough about it. Get this game yo.
Upplagd 23 februari.
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4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
326.3 timmar totalt (275.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Amazing Monster Collection game with seriously unlimited possibilities. The fusion and item mechanics in this game go hard.

Great game for a casual player who wants to put in ~20 hours into a game, but this game has potential to have a player sink hundreds of hours into it to create a perfectly min/maxed team, or ~1000s of hours if you are a completionist. This game is definitely a great choice for anyone who likes the grind.
Upplagd 7 mars 2022.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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