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Recente recensies door Schwarz

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353.0 uur in totaal (16.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
It sucked, then wastelanders came and brought the real fallout experience.
Geplaatst 17 april 2020.
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27.5 uur in totaal (13.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Cuphead is one of the best game I played in a while. The game is frustrating and hard, but it is so rewarding. It reminds me of my childhood when skills were required to play games. Part of the experience of Cuphead is to keep trying to become better just like real life. The more you play the better you get, the reward of the game is that you actually do get better. You don't stay mediocre, you need to apply yourself, concentrate, learn and it comes naturally. Don't listen to game reviewers who actually don't play videogames. This game has created a huge controversy on game journaslists who have no skills at all and look like toddlers when playing. I beat the game in about 8 hours but I feel like I want to play again and again unlike a lot of games nowadays. I have not talked about the graphics which are the most original I have seen in a while (Kind of stange to say that the graphics are original since they are based on cartoons from the 30s). I give this game a 10 out of 10. I cannot find any flaws to this game to tell the truth. Gameplay is amazing, Music is amazing, graphics are amazing, the story is light but fits well with the easy going of cartoons of the 30s. A must buy for 2017.
Geplaatst 7 oktober 2017.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
13.8 uur in totaal (13.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Very fun game. The end part is extremely frustrating though. Better be ready to redo it over and over again. My wife was getting annoyed by my pissed of screaming.
Geplaatst 10 april 2017. Laatst gewijzigd 10 april 2017.
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Niemand heeft deze recensie tot nu toe als nuttig gemarkeerd
36.7 uur in totaal (5.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I gave in and decided to buy the game.
The multiplayer is still ok and fun but this game is about the single player.
It is amazing !
The more you play it the more aggresive and fast you play it.
I'd say this is the best stress reliever I have ever played.
It is gratifying to just get in a room and bunny hop all over the place and blow up demons.
Satisfying game 10/10 will play for a while !
Geplaatst 13 mei 2016.
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5 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
10.4 uur in totaal (0.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Quick short review.
The game isn't that long but very enjoyable. The gameplay is a bit cheap and the story is so so but overall the game is very enjoyable. I actually played in broad daylight and jumped at most jump scares. And i'm not the kind to make stuff up when it comes to scary games. The game is not that scary but anyways if you do play it you will understand what I mean when the game doesn't warn you 5 seconds before something screams in your face. As far as the graphics I don't really want to give any notes on that because depending on how you look at it, they are amasing yet not that great. The art style is kind of an LSD bad trip in a good way... The pirce is a bit too high for what it is though if you get it in a sale or in a bundle you will very much enjoy the few hours this game will offer you.

Originality 9/10
Music 10/10
Story 7/10
Gameplay 6/10
Geplaatst 19 juni 2014. Laatst gewijzigd 19 juni 2014.
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2.7 uur in totaal
The game is entertaining at best but quickly becomes repetitive.
Now you may enjoy it for a while but at some point it just becomes ridiculous.
There are ways to make a game hard and i'm not complaining because the game is hard but at some point it becomes ridiculous.
You get swarmed by a bunch of knife bots in the sleeping quarters, those who played it will understand but as soon as you get hit the swarm you and it becomes impossible to escape you just keep getting hit in a bad loop. NOTHING you can do you get hit hit hit hit and game over.
Anyways overall the game is the most discusting piece of garbage i've played in a while.
Don't buy it's broken.
Geplaatst 2 mei 2014.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
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