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2.3 hodin celkem (2.0 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Scratches the itch left by Jet Set Radio rather handily; if you're a fan of that game, then you can't go wrong giving this a go.
Odesláno 3. února 2024.
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185.6 hodin celkem (126.4 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Nearly 130 hours in, and still playing. An incredibly simple game (kill enemies with auto-attacks, avoid damage, get weapons, level up) but it feels like more than that thanks to the sheer number of characters/weapons/evolutions, and the various secrets that make this feel like a hidden gem from the 90s.

What starts as a simple, slow-paced and perhaps even boring experience grows more and more insane with each level up, each unlock, and each weapon evolution. Eventually, you'll either be struggling to survive against an onslaught of ever-more powerful enemies and bosses, or so utterly overpowered that you won't even need to move to wipe out a screen full of monsters.

It scratches that same itch that Binding of Isaac did; always needing one more game to find another secret, or try another item combination.

Odesláno 28. listopadu 2022. Naposledy upraveno 10. prosince 2022.
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29.1 hodin celkem (12.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
I had a lot of fun with Chivalry in the past, and this looked like an upgraded version of it. But there's so much going wrong that it's difficult to recommend.

When the game works, it's chaotic, funny, and challenging. When it doesn't work, which is most of the time, you'll have sword swings passing through enemies or bouncing off invisible obstacles; it's so bad that I've even sneaked up behind camping enemies and watched my sword go through them three times with no damage before they noticed me. Throw in some unbalanced maps with terrible spawns (one of the many inspirations from Chivalry, I think), and frequent framerate hitches and lag, and it's hard to get excited for this game.

Still, if the developers can iron out the bugs, there's a fun game under the jank; when everything's running smoothly it's a hilariously good time. I just wish it wasn't so random whether it'll work or not.
Odesláno 10. února 2020.
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0.6 hodin celkem
I went into this game not expecting too much; after all, it's basically a mobile game ported to VR. Turns out that I was being a bit foolish; though I've only played for a short time I can safely say that while the gunplay isn't as in-depth as other 'AAA' VR titles and the voice-acting and story is ropey as can be, this actually feels like a game rather than a glorified horde mode like other 'big' VR titles.

There's three characters to choose from with special abilities and weapons as well as an upgrade tree, loads of areas to explore in each level, and all for a price much lower than similar games on Steam. Heartily recommended.
Odesláno 13. února 2019.
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1.7 hodin celkem (1.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Rather expensive for what is a rather short game, and like the standard version it burdens itself down with weak 'story' sequences that boil down to 'listen to order to do something vague in an attempt to be mysterious, put a disk in a slot, wait for it to load, then put on helmet'.

This wouldn't be so bad if the gameplay was amazing, but it's so much weaker than the non-VR version. The devs seem intent on showing off the VR controls, so instead of interesting puzzle battles to work through you're just dropped into incredibly short sequences where you mainly punch or throw objects at enemies, or get stuck standing in the open and just have to dodge bullets by manipulating the dodgy A.I. for a set period of time. On the odd occasion there'll be guns to mess around with, and this is were the game really comes together; lining up shots, dodging around bullets and disarming enemies feels exciting and suits VR well.

Unfortunately, these sections are not as common as they should be. In fact, shortly into my playthrough I came to a level with a huge stream of enemies and a bunch of guns to grab and shoot, and I felt like the game was really starting to open up. Except that turned out to be the last one!

I admit that I'm being rather harsh on the game; it's not bad when compared to the majority of shovelware that comes to VR in general. However, it feels like such a missed opportunity; the original game offered a unique slice of gameplay that seemed purpose-built for VR, but it just hasn't turned out the way I'd hoped.

Pick it up on sale if you're still interested; it makes for a fun game to show off VR. But don't expect to be blown away.
Odesláno 13. února 2019.
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443.7 hodin celkem (412.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Of all the rogue-lite games that have been released over the last few years, few even came close to matching The Binding of Isaac, and this sequel ramps everything up to become in my view the definitive game of the genre. Packed with secrets, varied items, constant unlocks and multiple modes, there's no lack of content here.

What really elevates it above other rogue-lites for me though is that it is entirely beatable on any run with the right level of skill; so often games of this type put some wall that requires specific preparation or a bit of luck in the item draw to carry you through, but with Isaac as long as your skills are up to snuff you'll be able to win every time; of course, getting to that level is not as simple as it sounds!

Buy it, and get ready to lose an awful lot of hours.
Odesláno 23. listopadu 2016.
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5.8 hodin celkem
Extremely rough design and looks (which pretty much comes as standard for RPG Maker-based games), as well as a quite poor translation might make this game seem not worth the money even as a free release, but looks can be deceiving. Though Eternal Senia is short, the interesting twist on the battle system along with simple puzzles and a heartfelt story make it more than worth a play,
Odesláno 17. prosince 2015.
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218.1 hodin celkem (97.3 hodin v době psaní recenze)
I am one of those weirdos that actually enjoyed the first Witcher game more than the second (with the third being the best overall). This game is certainly less polished than the sequel, but it feels bigger thanks to the huge number of sidequests and monster hunts.

Story is one of the big selling points for me; the core story avoids the political tomfoolery that punctuated a lot of Witcher 2's story beats and instead tells a simple tale of Geralt's hunt for some stolen Witcher formulas that eventually leads him into the middle of a war between the Scoia'tael and the Order of the Flaming Rose. Two things work in the first game's favour here; as well as the main story there's a large amount of sidequests that expand on the world and often include some interesting situations such as curing/killing a werewolf or battling a Striga. What's interesting is that many of the quests have alternate routes, and failing to investigate and learn about the monsters you're fighting can lead to extra information being lost.

The second thing in its favour, and something that I sorely missed in the sequel, is a pure neutral path. With virtually all of the major decisions in the game you can just refuse to pick a side and let the two sides to the war kill each other, only getting involved when thing's get personal.

There's also a fair bit of grinding and tons of weapons and other things to find; it's the kind of thing that will annoy many players, but for someone like me it just made the game even more alluring. Combat is fairly hit and miss though, but the flow and the expanding animations that come as you level up helped stave of boredom.

I personally love this game, but if you're looking to give it a go after playing the second or third games you'd better be prepared for a real rough-around-the-edges (to be honest, it's rough round the middle bits too) experience that very much feels like a game rather than an experience, but if you can persevere the world-building and storyline can more than make up for its shortcomings.
Odesláno 17. prosince 2015.
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8.8 hodin celkem (7.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
I've developed a yearly tradition of playing survival while listening to the Christmas Hits radio station, and it manages to feel incredibly festive. Probably because of the bright colors that are reminiscent of Christmas lights to go along with the soundtrack.

Anyway, if you like twin-stick shooters like Super Stardust or Geometry Wars, this is basically the definitive one, with tons of perks to unlock and bosses to fight with waves and weapon intensity driven by the soundtrack; it does almost everything right.
Odesláno 17. prosince 2015.
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0.0 hodin celkem
Really disappointed with this DLC; it's difficult in the same way many 80s arcade games were in that the gameplay is not particularly hard, but with only three attempts to complete all 20 challenges (which are all timed with no breaks in-between except for rare occasions) the instant the mechanics fail you its back to the start.

What I found is that most of the time the challenges are easy, but then occasionally a curveball will be thrown with no warning. For example, one of the first challenges is to "Kill all Virals", which spawn throughout the arena you are in. After killing the first two, I instantly look for the next spawn to save time. After killing them, I look for the next spawn, but it doesn't come. Only after a few seconds do I realise that the objective has changed to "Disarm the Bomb", and those precious few seconds wasted mean I either fail the challenge or barely scrape through.

Other times it will suddenly introduce a new mechanic without warning; "Find the chutes" or "Kill all enemies, use gates for extra time". There's no other information besides that, so you waste more time surveying the area trying to figure out what a "gate" is since they haven't appeared in any other challenges; often this is time enough to cause a failure, and that's one of the three attempts gone.

Throw in the occasionally wobbly mechanics that Dying Light already comes with that leads to clear ledge grabs whiffing or enemies suddenly becoming capable of surviving 10 point-blank shotgun blasts, as well as fairly poor level design that meant I was frequently getting stuck on level geometry when attempting rapid transitions, and it's just not worth it.

Unless you really, really, REALLY want a fairly crappy bow.

Odesláno 17. prosince 2015.
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