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Análises recentes de Dardarus

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139.4 horas registradas (135.8 horas no momento da análise)
Lv 50, ilevel 850.With the queues crazy high in the EU and not being able to queue with the party finder past lunch time which is cutting out a lot of the core content, i wouldnt recommend this to anyone until these issues are resolved
Publicada em 18 de fevereiro de 2022.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
500.2 horas registradas (448.3 horas no momento da análise)
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I've played this game since the launch, consistently i would say 6/7 days of the week. All of the time ive played i have been in a company of at least 10 people.

At the launch, yes the game was incredibly awful, words cannot describe how bad they messed up. Yes, they have had issues with companies hacking. I'm not saying this game is perfect and it doesnt have its own issues like pretty much every single game ever made. But i would like to say

1. The devs have been very communicative on twitter, reddit and their own discord sorting issues(we even had 2 devs join our company fixing an issue which has been resolved
2. They are updating the game very frequently. I played a bit of Ark but from what I've heard the rate of updates is far better than they ever did with ark.
3. I would really suggest getting a group or join a group, this game is not solo player friendly imo. With a good group of 5+ people, you can really get stuff done. Steam discussions, forum, reddit are always active with recruitment posts.

TDLR - It has its problems but its also a very fun game with a group of friends
Publicada em 2 de fevereiro de 2019.
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15 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
17.7 horas registradas
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Abandonware. Dont buy
Publicada em 12 de maio de 2017.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
77.6 horas registradas (51.9 horas no momento da análise)
Amazing game but the DLC costs are stupid. Cash cow at its finest!
Publicada em 28 de julho de 2016.
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