
Aeverie 最近的評論

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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 15.6 小時
I was so impressed by *True Colors* throughout the run time, every chapter had me exploring everything I could and talking to everyone I found to get the most out of every moment. Alex is a captivating protagonist and I really related to her on every level. High props to Erika Mori for bringing her to life and excellently acting her part. Also somehow even in a multiple ending game, I had no sense of loss or missing out on the ending I got and felt it was perfect without being a 'true ending' where everything just went right. It was really quite special and unique.
張貼於 2021 年 9 月 11 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 18.4 小時
Truly one of the best narrative experiences I have had. Elsinore is a perfect execution of the 'time loop' genre in making your choices count, having a steady exploration to all of its mysteries, and exploring every aspect of the characters within. It is consistently compelling unraveling all the threads there are to pull on at first, and later discovering the endings. The modernization of characters to make them less uniformly straight and white is pure genius, causing a very old tale to feel relevant and truthful. I spent 19 hours uncovering all its secrets, which is short for some, but it is exactly what I wanted from an experience like this. It didn't overstay its welcome, and kept me engaged the whole way through. I find all the characters to be well written and care about them all (with the exception of the ones that are supposed to be unsympathetic, but they're still good characters). I am thoroughly impressed by it at every moment. I highly recommend it for anyone that enjoys literature, Shakespeare, time-loop games, or heavy narrative experiences. A+
張貼於 2021 年 8 月 31 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 113.0 小時
Dark Souls is the rare example of a game that profoundly affected me as I played it. The gameplay and game design are top notch of course, and everyone always discusses the difficulty and challenge, which I enjoy, but by far it just moved me.

The online features are not specifically necessary, but they largely influenced my experience with the game positively. Most games have you save a world on the brink of destruction and then it's happily ever after, Dark Souls begins by telling you that the world is, and has been, dying and there is very little you can do about it. The journey is not about the saving, but in making do with what you have. That even when all seems loss, there can still be hope, and you can still push on. Even when there are monsters and invaders and complete ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that want nothing other than to harm you, there are also messages on the ground that tell you about a trap, or a sign to summon a Sunbro to help you out. Even just indirectly seeing ghosts of other players walking by reminds you that you are -not- alone, even when it would otherwise feel that you are. That shared experience of going through something difficult together, even when you cannot interact with them directly. The sounds of the bell tower ringing as another player beats the Gargoyles, the views of the vastly and intricately interconnected world. Dark Souls is a masterpiece.
張貼於 2016 年 11 月 23 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 19.5 小時
I have a hard time explaining how deeply in love I am with this game. It's a masterpiece.

(Spoiler Free)

The first thing that hits you is the world, and the art, and throughout my entire thirteen hours (on my first playthrough) the environments never get stale or old. Everything is gorgeous and feels handpainted.

The story and the characters are incredible and deeply engaging, but I won't say anything more than that all the voice actors involved are phenomenal.

Battles are fun, fluid, and tactical. The mixture between the strategy and turn-based combat and something more real-time never gets old. Bastion this is not, Transistor is more methodical, and much slower. You're allowed to take your time to plan out what you'd like to do and put it into action. The skills and abilities system keeps the variety up. Usually I'd find my niche and stick to what I liked, but Transistor had me switching up my abilities at every single checkpoint, and not just for all of the files that I was addicted to collecting to get every single tidbit I could out of the writing.

This noir wouldn't be complete without the jazzy cyberpunk soundtrack, which I could listen to forever and never get bored of. Not only is it good on it's own, but it sinks itself deep into the game and plays dynamically and reactively depending on what is happening at the moment.

But, above all else, what makes Transistor a masterpiece is the atmosphere. The absolute dedication the game has to it's world and how much it sucks you in at every opportunity. Optional environments and points of interest litter every single map just to get another line or two out of the Voice. The way the music works itself in, the way enemies interact with you and all your abilities, the way the environments twist and change, the terminals you find, the files you can read, and the small interactions and character moments out of Red herself are unlike anything I have ever played before. If I were making a "Videogames as art" list, this would top it off.

I will never forget this game.
張貼於 2014 年 5 月 21 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
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