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21.6 hrs last two weeks / 229.0 hrs on record (126.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 8 May @ 1:51am

I do recommend this game actually, but with caution: it's late in the game and you are a latecomer, you're gonna be overwhelmed and toxified if you are coming in as a brand new player, and the cheater problem is bad rn.

But just to tell my experience: 1st big problem, lots of cheaters in this game. And it is hard to tell, especially when you're new, but as you get experienced and learn all the perks (mainly killer perks here, I mostly play survivor and the most impactful cheaters are killers for obvious reasons, but there's also survivor cheaters) you will realize that you're in positions and situations where there's no possible way that killer found you like he did. You left no indicators, you didn't run, you're not bleeding, there's 0 perks the killer could trigger to tell him where you are, and he comes right to you. It's an unfortunate price you pay for playing this game: there's no real anti-cheat, and worse: the devs don't even look at reports, so the cheat scene is growing quite a bit right now as there's very little consequence. I'm sure some get banned but overall the rate of cheaters is increasing, and this is MY GREATEST CAUTION to new players: be aware of what you are getting. As a newb you won't know the difference, but many players are in fact cheating in various ways. One saving grace the game has is that it's still fun as a survivor if you don't know any better.

That being said, it's still a fun experience whether you like killer or survivor. Another problem is a high degree of toxicity in the community, but I find it is very mixed. If you play killer you will only have to deal with toxicity in 2 ways: 1. end of game chat and 2. in-game playstyles, for example bully squads or cheating survivors. You won't feel it much as a killer esp. as you learn how to play, but as survivor there is some toxicity there but my experience is 70/20/10 i'd say. 70% don't show any toxicity or positivity either, they say nothing and just play, good or bad. 20% are actually good and/or friendly players and will actually talk to you and got your back, you're gonna (hopefully) win it with these guys. But ~10% are toxic (on average for me at least), and I mean TOXIC!!!! When you find the toxic people in this game, they are soooo much worse than you think. You'll be amazed at how some people leave you on the hook until you die, for the reason that, "YOU TRIED TO ASSIST ON MY GENERATOR *angryface*!!!!!!!!!" Or how some people betray you to killer because "YOU DIDN'T DO ENOUGH TO HELP THE TEAM!!!!!!!!!" When you did all gens, saved people on hooks and healed. There is no reason to it, people say the community is toxic for a reason and you'll experience it without a doubt. But thankfully, most people are not that bad, i'd say cheaters are the bigger problem.

So despite these 2 big issues, let the buyer beware, I do actually recommend it. I've had a blast and even though i'm now starting to see more cheaters for what they are (from game-knowledge, knowing the perks and abilities that actually exist), it's still fun, but cheaters are becoming ever more prevalent and toxicity is very up-and-down, so as a newcomer I caution you but if you already got it or you're a vet it's fun rn for the most part. And I still mostly recommend it for newcomers, just know what you're getting into
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Umbreon 19 May @ 7:46pm 
Issues are a skill sometimes
silly guy 19 May @ 7:01pm 
skill issue