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Останні рецензії користувача Chiken_Sammich

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Показані результати 81–90 із 140
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3.5 год. загалом (0.8 год на момент рецензування)
"Thomas Was Alone" is simplistic & challenging with a great narrative. This is another one of those games, every gamer should experience. Yes it's short (less then 3 hours to 100%) but this is still worth the $9.99. I bought & played it twice(PS3 & Steam). I don't regret it at all.
Додано 23 травня 2016 р..
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4.0 год. загалом
This game is way too simple.... Well it would be except for the fact that the camera angle is so terrible it makes this game incredibly difficult. You're going to want to shoot yourself in the face after the 2nd stage. It reminds me of the early days of 3d platformers. Except the old PS, N64, etc games were at least bearable. What the hell were the devs thinking? Why is something this stupid an issue in this day & age? Spare yourselves the annoyance. Spend your money elsewhere.

Do you enjoy knowing where you exist in space & time? Woodle Tree does not think the gamer should have this luxury.

If the camera isn't bad enough on it's own. The more you die or even make use of the camera, it bugs out & comes off of it's tracks. Sometimes locking into a zoomed in overhead view. Other times the camera completely flips around & you see everything from the back of the stage. Most times the camera will level out with the character & you will be staring at it's back.
Додано 16 травня 2016 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 23 липня 2016 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
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2.5 год. загалом
Terrible setup process. I've been at it for almost an hour & have hit walls every step of the way. WAY TO BLOW SQUARE ENIX!
Додано 9 травня 2016 р..
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5.3 год. загалом
Sneaky Sneaky is a very good little game.

Excellent game mechanic, but on a few rare occasions the pathing got a little crazy(2 or 3 times in the 5 hours I played).

It's a short game, but I felt that if it was any longer I might lose interest so good call devs.

Definite sale purchace. Debatable at full price. I 100%'d this in slightly over 5 hours so you're paying a dollar per hour of gameplay.
Додано 8 травня 2016 р..
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1.6 год. загалом
This feels like a stripped down 2d Bushido Blade. While that's not an entirely bad thing. Kiai seems to be missing a lot of the elements that made BB so damn fun.

There is no variation in the (only)2 characters you get to choose from. Sure that helps with balancing, but only because balancing isn't a thing when everyone is the same. However it kills the player's individuality & stymies gamer's creativity.

There are only 3 attacks & no options when it comes to fight or flight. Sure you can dodge back, but full on running away to lure the enemy into a disadvantageous position, makes for some crazy interesting battles. No projectiles, to throw your opponent off guard for a quick strike.

No limb damage, no jumping or using the terrain to your advantage, etc.

Content is lacking in Kiai also. Only 3 stages & like the characters, they're just aesthetic differences.

Online seems to be dead.

Look, I know Kiai isn't Bushido Blade & never pretended to be. My point is that Kiai is in the same vein as BB & while it does some things right, Kiai comes up a little short. The mind game & the quick twitch is there, but the variation in gameplay & content are lacking.

A good example of a 2d game that got a lot of this right is Nidhogg.

This is an ok game, but one to pick up on sale. Also it wouldn't hurt to have a friend that is into this kind of game as well.
Додано 7 травня 2016 р..
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3.4 год. загалом
Not really a game. It's more of a play that requires some input at times. Fair narrative, but I think it's a little overpriced at $4.99. I wish there was a volume option. The game only lasted about an hour & a half. & I am forced to listen to the BGM while running it in the background for cards.
Додано 6 травня 2016 р..
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60.7 год. загалом (60.2 год на момент рецензування)
Excellent! All the "South Park" humor is here. There are tons of references to the show. The story has a nice flow to it. The gameplay is pretty good. The character classes are kind of meh, but functional. I came across a few bugs, but nothing game breaking.

This is a pretty good turn-based RPG & it stays true to the animated series. If you're a fan of either, you should have this in your library.
Додано 6 травня 2016 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 14
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 3
0.6 год. загалом
Needs more David Hayter
Додано 30 квітня 2016 р..
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2.4 год. загалом
After 2.5 hours I think I have a good feel for the game.

Submerged is pretty & there is a little bit of a story rearing it's head that piques the interest. The world has a real Beyond Good & Evil quality, but if that world was devoid of life. The devs were definitely aiming for a Shadow of the Colossus-esque game, but missed the mark by making this extremely tedious. All the character movements feel like you're trudging through molasses. If you're not patient & thorough. You'll either leave things behind or dread having to trek back to items you missed. As far as I'm concerned, It's a "no" vote.
Додано 24 січня 2016 р..
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3.2 год. загалом
Very over priced. With the exception of 1 or 2 puzzles, this "game" is super easy. Even after getting stuck on a puzzle, I had completed this in a little more than 3 hours. I had also turned the hints off at the start of the game. Leaving them on may make it a lot easier. The only thing Tengami has going for it is the art style & concept. I guess another plus is that you can get 4 easy achievements. The BGM was nice, but kept cutting out randomly. The load times were also pretty darn long. Not sure why for such a small program.

Not much here worth 10 bucks or even the 5 that I payed. Wait for heavy cuts in the price.
Додано 26 грудня 2015 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 26 грудня 2015 р..
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Показані результати 81–90 із 140