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21.3 h registradas (21.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Eternal Edge is a flawed game, but I will admit, I did enjoy what I was able to play. In the 20 hours I was able to play, my biggest gripe was due to lack of polish.

1) The combat is a bit clunky, but better than a lot of other games out there.
2) On random occasions, the game will just close out to desktop, so saving is crucial.
3) Others have complained about difficulty overlap with overpowered enemies in low level zones. I didn't experience that. Sure there is an occasional over leveled enemy, but they are usually due to events, that warn you about the level & are easily avoided. There is also the issue of roaming out at night. If you do that, you will run into nasty enemies. Just sleep till day & learn to avoid them when night falls.
4) During crafting, you'll have the required mats & the game will show that you do, yet in some circumstances, the game will tell you that you are short on materials, while trying to craft the item.
5) The terrain is awkward. You'll see pathways up hills & mountains, that look scalable but aren't. You'll have to jump up stairs, when you should just be able to walk up them. There is at least one crater in the game, where if you fall into it, you'll have to reload the game to get out.

Now to the real reason I wouldn't recommend Eternal Edge. The game has just ceased to load to the main screen. At some point, the game just decided it was done functioning as a game & is now just a white screen simulator. I load the game. I'm presented with the Unity logo. A white screen loads...............
Publicada el 24 de noviembre de 2020.
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73.7 h registradas (73.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Right off the bat, I'll say:
1) The game is enjoyable (at first).
2) Premium currency is given out at reasonable rates. You don't have to spend money to become competitive, though it doesn't hurt.
3) Steam is not the place to play Animation Throwdown. You want to play this on your phone, due to the benefits of ads. Fortunately you can link your account to your mobile so you can collect the achievements, here on Steam.

Now, while I do enjoy AT, I'm getting ready to walk away from it and here's why. I hate games with timers & cooldowns. AT forces you to play when they want you to play & wait or pay for round credits. Essentially you have to build a schedule around the game. This sucks of you work or have a life. I've been waking up in the morning & crushing everything I can because I don't want to be racing expiring timers at the end of the day. I hate games that do this & while I had fun with what I played, I'm getting bored/irritated with this.

I'll recommend AT, but only if you are willing to dedicate a ton of time to it or you're willing to miss out if you can't keep the day's schedule.

All in all I spent around $10 for the 2 permanent perk packs. I played for about a month before I decided to buy in & never found them necessary, but they help alot. And $10 seems fair considering I played for almost 2 months at the time of this review.
Publicada el 18 de octubre de 2020.
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133.9 h registradas (125.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Is Warframe great? Absolutely
Would I recommend it? Yes, to anyone that isn't me.

Warframe is a fast paced hack & slash/TPS, has a ton of content & is exactly the type of game that could reel me in for ages to come....... If I had the time to dedicate to it & I wasn't an old man. My problems with Warframe really just fall on having to chase timers in respect to dailies & expiration of buffs. Sometimes I'll log in & get a buff that lasts for 4 hours or have to pound out a crap ton of dailies/weeklies before I run out of time. Now I'm not faulting the game for this. I'm just saying this is not what I'm in the mood to do, not anymore at least. My other issue is that this is clearly a KBM game & my old-ass hands can't stay in the 'KBM claw' position for extended periods of time(like 4 hours in 1 sitting). If this came out when I was a kid, there would have been no removing me from the PC. This is just not for me.
Publicada el 19 de julio de 2020. Última edición: 19 de julio de 2020.
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1,119.2 h registradas (297.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Right off the bat, I'm going to throw out a couple annoyances.
1) Personally I hate when a game requires extensive research, before you even turn it on. Dragon's Dogma has so many little aspects & never once informs the gamer about them. If you go into this one blind, you are going to gimp your character & pawn. Not that you are going to eff yourself into a game breaking corner, but your flaws(in terms of vocational build) will be noticeably kneecapped.
2) Pawns can be super annoying. They will jump off cliffs, while you're looting that chest that happens to be right on the edge. They will shoulder-check you when you're lining up that run jump, causing you to plummet into the brine or worse. They will smash barrels you carefully placed to give yourself a boost(I kinda like this one. It makes the pawns feel like jerkoff friends) They will swarm around you while you are picking up loot, causing them to chatter incessantly & you to yell, STFU! They will swarm around you when you're just trying to walk, box you in & just stand there(you can't clip through them so you need to jump over them, pick them up or run around them). There are times where they will start some crap they aren't ready to handle, causing a wipe or you to run/reset the encounter. Setting your pawn's inclinations can help to mitigate some of this, but again, the game discusses none of that. You are required to do outside research.
3) Failed escort quests are failed, no retries. The game's autosave triggers immediately when the NPC dies. So you better know where they want to go(again outside research), plant a "portcrystal" at the destination, accept the quest & warp to the destination. Either that or just accept the failed entries in your quest log.

With all that said, DDDA is a great game. There is a ton of depth, I just wish Capcom wasn't so secretive with it. This game could have benefited from a little more time in the tutorial department.

Dragon's Dogma is all about tough love. It'll batter you into the ground & spit on you, but only because it wants you to get right back up & do it back to it.

(If you're looking for some good research points, the wiki's are great & "Nihil0.0" has a great YouTube page up)
Publicada el 23 de diciembre de 2019. Última edición: 23 de diciembre de 2019.
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49.9 h registradas (49.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Gentlebro didn't skip a beat. Everything that made Cat Quest great, is here in CQ2. In fact my only real criticism would be that CQ2 is so much like the 1st, you could probably skip it.

With that said, I'm glad I bought this at full price. Both games are fun as hell & the addition of multiplayer is very welcome.
Publicada el 24 de noviembre de 2019.
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20.3 h registradas (0.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
SR4 is an unstable mess. In less than 30 minutes, the game has locked up twice. Everything just freezes & forces me to log out of Windows just to regain control of my OS. When I did a search on the forums, I was greeted with pages upon pages of this being experienced by users as far back as 2014. To this point in time, I have not located a remedy, but the search continues.

How does a AAA game, that's been out for this long, go without a patch from the developer? Answer - neglect.
Update - After some searching I came across an article that seems to have resolved the stability issues. I followed the 1st few steps & was able to play, uninterrupted for 4.5 hours. I'm not going to post a link, just google, "5 Ways to Fix Saints Row 4 Crashes - wikiHow".

As far as recommending the game goes, I'm still a "No". I'm not totally against the game because it's the continuation of a great series. The story is still one that is fun to follow, but the mechanics detract from what made the game great in the 1st place.

1) The super powers make vehicles & vehicle customization obsolete. & the worst part about it, is the game starts dumping these powers into your lap, right out of the gate. Once out of the scripted opening sequences, I stole 1 car to get from point A to B. I was then granted my 1st powers & have had zero use for a car since.

2) Again my problem is with these powers. Part of the fun of SR is overcoming the early struggle & building yourself up to being an ultimate badass. While I appreciate a developer who made an attempt at not erasing the player's past achievement. I feel like Volition went too far way too early.

3) I understand the thought process behind this decision, but it's disorienting & kicks immersion in the gonads. The radio constantly plays. When you get in a car, the radio kicks on. When you get out of a car, the radio stays on. When the car you got out of is on the west coast & you are on the east coast, you still hear that same damn radio. You have to manually turn the crap off. I get that nobody would ever hear the radio if this wasn't implemented. I also understand that there are settings to help with this, but I prefer the old way & there are no settings for 2or3 style radio. The way to correct the immersion is to either shut music off completely or buy some headphones from a clothing store so there is a logical audio source.

4) This has more of a platformer & less of an open world feel. I'm not against platformers, in general. It's like when you pick up a cup of what you thought was soda but you forgot you poured iced tea. Neither are bad, it's just that the expectation was off enough that it left a bad taste in your mouth.

In short, 'I'll play SR4, I don't hate it, but it's not up to par with the SR lineage.'
The more of this I play, the more I hate the game. SR4 is an absolute masterclass in how to destroy a franchise. As the game dumps more side missions in your lap, the fun is drained from the game. A lot of the side missions are tedious & irritating & to top it all off just completing them isn't enough. There's a medal system Volition seems to think you want to deal with. At this point I honestly don't know if I'm going to subject myself to much more of this. Gaming is supposed to be a fun pass time. This game feels more like a weight on my back.
Publicada el 11 de noviembre de 2019. Última edición: 16 de noviembre de 2019.
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126.2 h registradas (42.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
It's a little buggy, but hands down, SR3 is one of the best open world games around. This is my 3rd time through this game(bought it back on PS) & I love it just as much as ever. You can't go wrong with this series. This is Volition at it's best.
Publicada el 1 de noviembre de 2019.
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5.6 h registradas (4.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
For $1 or $2, Kao is worth it. But in a world of 3D platformers, this game is mediocre at best.

With the exception of the controls, Kao is the definition of, "meh". Getting back to the controls, they're pretty bad. This is where the game gets it's difficulty. It all feels floaty & imprecise. You're going to find yourself dying over & over to redo a section because the controls forced you to miss items.

This game isn't terrible, but it's nothing exceptional & not worth more than a couple bucks.
Publicada el 9 de septiembre de 2019.
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171.3 h registradas
I loved this one! Likable characters, unique story, looks & sounds great, & the combat system is strategic & challenging.

I usually like a more 'open world' style world map in my RPGs. Battle Chaser has 'nodes along a track' style map. I usually don't like this, but it works here. This helps to streamline everything & shortens the game's length to what I considered to be just right.

Most turn based JRPGs have a bland, 'select attack, select enemy, confirm, repeat' combat system. Unless you are fighting enemies that are severly under level, you will have a challenge. Battle Chaser forces you to pay attention, react & adapt. As for those under leveled enemies, you can just bypass them on the world map. This reduces that monotony.

My only complaints were enemies, chests & material nodes spawning or falling through the dungeon floors. This made some fishing nodes & portals inaccessible. And "New Game+" is an irritating & unnecessary requirement to getting all of the achievements. NG+ takes just about everything from you, ramps up the difficulty & forces you to trudge through the same game you just played. All you get out of it is more perk points & the last achievement.
Publicada el 25 de diciembre de 2018.
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30.3 h registradas (25.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
So right out of the gate, there are some problems with Goken.

1) As others mentioned, spelling & grammar is not at it's strongest here. If you are bothered by that, move on. I have seen worse, by far. In Goken's defense, It's not hard to figure out what's being said. This issue doesn't get in the way at all, but it might irritate sticklers.

2) There is a problem with visual stutter as the camera pans across the map. Basically anytime you move the character the screen stutters. Apparently this is an issue that has to do with higher end machines. Check the pinned section of the forums. Although I still had the problem. The solution there did at least make it bearable.

3) ***NOTE TO THOSE WHO ARE GOING TO PLAY GOKEN*** It does not appear to be possible to max all 5 of your weapons. At best you can max out 2/5. Keep this in mind when you're trying to decide which ones to max out(Lvl 4). I was not aware of this & accidentally maxed a weapon I barely ever used.

With all of those problems out of the way. I actually enjoyed Goken. There's an interesting story, pretty good combat elements, beautiful world & some pretty sweet audio tracks. This isn't the greatest game out there, but Goken held my interest & that's hard to do.
Publicada el 30 de noviembre de 2018.
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