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Seneste anmeldelser af Chiken_Sammich

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6 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
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68.8 timer registreret i alt (54.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Lego LotR is everything you'd expect from the digital Lego franchise. This is an excellent retelling of a story we're all familiar with, laced with kid friendly humor. This is the staple of the series & TT Games delivers. However, this entry into the Lego series is problematic.

Platforming is TERRIBLE. Most notibly are spots where you are forced to do the balance beam jumps. There seem to be force fields in the air that stop you from jumping far enough or into the right spot. you will repeatedly fall into the water on these sections & have to repeat the whole set of jumps over again.

The stage "Osgiliath" is extremely buggy. The Ents will randomly rocket up into the air because of their shoddy clipping with the ground. There is a pit where if you get too close with an ent. He will go into a minute long trance & just walk toward it. The thunderous footsteps of the ents changes to clicks when the ent has both Pippin & Merry in possession. When the ent attempted to rip down the dam wall at the end of the map, the game seized all control & all I was permitted to do was change between the hobbits.

On the stage "Cirith Ungol" there is a bug that will not allow you to trade items, between characters. If you happen to pick up 2 helmets or 2 armors with 1 character. You will be forced to restart the section.

Basically this is an ok game, but it's not up to snuff. Glad I bought it on discount. I recommend you do the same if you're considering this.
Skrevet: 14. februar 2015. Sidst redigeret: 14. februar 2015.
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12 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
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23.9 timer registreret i alt
Venetica is far from perfect, but there are many more RPGs worse than this. This has a low budget, more linear Amalur feel to it. The combat system isn't amazing, but it's passable. The camera can be claustrophobia inducing at times. Quest objectives are vague & sometimes just take a bit of stumbling into. There are the occasional game crashing bugs. Through all the cons I just listed I'm still entertained by this game. Buy it on sale like I did.
Skrevet: 6. februar 2015.
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4 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
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0.5 timer registreret i alt
Seems alright. The handling is a little annoying at first. You can only move forward & are constantly trying to compensate for momentum & gravity, but that's to be expected. I only played about a half hour of this, but 1st impressions are promising. And unless it's laced with malware(scan came up clean), you can't go wrong with free.
Skrevet: 5. februar 2015.
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0.9 timer registreret i alt
After almost an hour of playing this, I realize I'm terrible at it. However, my poor skill level doesn't make it a bad game.

Blue Flamingo's game assets are beautiful. The people behind the modeling & music are to be commended.

The game itself is not terrible, but there's not a lot to it. Overall Blue Flamingo is an alright Atari-esque shoot'em up(only goal is high score). With a little bit of a gambling gimick(bank points? or spend them on upgrades?). The people that are claiming the controls are terrible are just heavy on their thumbs. The controls ARE sensitive. The ship will move, when you touch the stick. If you touch the stick TOO HARD, your ship is going to move TOO FAST. After a few runs you will get used to it.

I don't think a lot of people will stay around & play this as a long term game. Blue Flamingo doesn't offer a ton of replayability unless you're the type that can rack up a massive score & enjoy defending it. To the mediocre of us, there's not a lot of point.

I do recommend this if it's on discount. However at $4.99 the gamer isn't getting their money's worth. I feel like crap saying this. I feel like the team that worked on the assets deserve this money.
Skrevet: 27. januar 2015. Sidst redigeret: 6. februar 2015.
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0.9 timer registreret i alt
Not bad, but not great either. It's an alright game, but there's not much to it. Literally all you do is just run around & buttstomp when prompted. There are a few Hidden coins to find & you are rated after each stage. The ratings are based on finding the coins, stage transformation & completion time. There are no acheivements so it kind of makes it pointless. The game has some charm, but not alot to make it worth paying for. I haven't played the other episodes, so I can't say if there are more interesting mechanics later on. However, if episode 1 is any indication, you'll be paying for more of the same(just a different fairy tale base).

I recommend episode 1 ONLY because it's free & SEEMS to be a good representation of what the other 22 episodes will be.
Skrevet: 25. januar 2015.
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14.6 timer registreret i alt
This game is all about the charm. The story isn't the same ol' derivative RPG story. The characters & setting are very enjoyable. I especially enjoyed playing this during Halloween, It put me in the holiday spirit.

As an RPG there's nothing truely ground breaking here. The combat is ok, It's a class based system. Classes are selected through a series of costumes. Some costumes have healing abilities, some are damage/crowd control & others are defensive. It may sound unique & interesting, but the battles generally all go the same way due to the fact that your abilities are not able to be activated till the 3rd round. Damage for 3 rounds, if the enemy is still up, stun heal & damage battle over.

I'm a fan of Tim Schafer's work, but I'm going to rate his work on it's own merits. This game is fun & charming & I would recommend it, but I would say wishlist it & wait for a sale.
Skrevet: 15. januar 2015. Sidst redigeret: 15. januar 2015.
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2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
6.8 timer registreret i alt
Humorous & charming point and click. Crazy enjoyable characters with a fairly good story to boot.

There's nothing groundbreaking here, but that can pretty much be said for the genre. As far as P&C Adventures go this isn't up there with the likes of the Lucas Arts classics, but it's good in it's own right. Metal Dead is definitely worth a look.
Skrevet: 12. januar 2015.
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5.4 timer registreret i alt (3.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
This is one of my most anticipated games. I played Lugaru years ago & was addicted. Lugaru & Overgrowth have an insanely unique combat system, that is a blast & a half to play with. The parkour system is pretty good (a little troublesome for newcomers) great when you get used to the controls. You have the option of completing missions through stealth, all out brawl, bare handed or with weapons. There is an editor in both Lugaru & Overgrowth for the modders out there (Lugaru's is a little clunky, but with persistance & patients you can do some pretty good things).

Even though I love both of these games so much. I'm going to say, "DON'T go into this thinking Overgrowth Is anywhere near finished". Overgrowth is basically just the in between a completed foundation & the start of some framework. There is very little content here(a few maps, a few obstacles to traverse & a couple enemies to toy with). Is it worth the pricetag? Absolutely not if you don't already love what this is going to be. Those of you that know Lugaru & see where David Rosen is going with this.... I say get on board, play with the new toys & give feedback to Wolfire. The community's support will only make this better.

If you're sceptical, do yourself a favor & hunt down Lugaru. It's old & not pretty by today's standards, but it's damn good.

******* I'm voting up not based on what it is now, but what I'm sure it will be. *******

NOTE - The development is VERY slow moving. You were warned....... BUT IT'S GONNA BE EFFFFFFFFING AWWWWWSOME!!!
Skrevet: 11. januar 2015.
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0.2 timer registreret i alt
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
At least it's free & short.

It's less of a game & more of a commentary on age perspective. There is no real gamplay here, just point A to point B.

"The Way of Life" is trying to convey a deep message in a charming manner. This is a fine idea, but has a LONG way to go before it can come close to what "Journey" has done.

I only recommend this if you are the patient type. While there is almost no gameplay here. What is here is annoying.

Also this game is all of about 5 minutes long(if you take your time & look around). Why is there a "Download Demo" button available?
Skrevet: 6. januar 2015. Sidst redigeret: 15. januar 2015.
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49.8 timer registreret i alt (46.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Binary Domain is not a perfect game. While there are some nuisance points to this 3rd person shooter. There are also some bright spots, that make this worth checking out.

1) Partners are a bit naggy. They will repeat phrases like, "This way." or "Let's go!" while you
explore for items.
2) The AI is pretty dumb & will frequently run into your line of fire. Not only that, they will blame
you for their error & you will lose their favor. This is not a huge problem unless you have
incredibly bad aim or are blatantly firing on your team.
3) The key prompts are terribly mislabeled, while playing with a game controller. It can get
confusing at times & can mess you up at some points.

1) Good play mechanics. Cover system & combat are pretty well done.
2) Intriguing story with variations based on favor with individual teammates.
3) The characters are likable.
4) Audio & visuals are still pretty damn good even though this game is pretty dated.

This is not a bad buy at $14.99. If you're still hesitant. Snatch it up fast when it goes on sale.
Skrevet: 27. december 2014. Sidst redigeret: 3. januar 2015.
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