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Recente recensies door Mooch

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11.0 uur in totaal (2.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I had high hopes for this cause the original Mafia is possibly one of my favorite single player games. This definitive edition had some big shoes to fill, but unfortunately it doesn't quite fit them for a number of reasons.

Good visuals and sound

- Controls are terrible and clearly weren't designed for PC.
- Melee combat is literally 2 buttons. At least in Mafia 2 you had power shots and quick shots.
- Aiming with a giant circle cone of fire instead of the original crosshair
- I'm not even a quarter of the way in and I've already experienced a number of bugs and glitches
- Characters are kinda bland
- Missions are a over simplified versions of the original one

I'm sure the more I play this, I'll have more to add to this list, but they really missed the mark on this one. I hate to give this a thumbs down but I can't honestly recommend it in this state. The bugs alone are enough to stay away from it.
Geplaatst 14 oktober 2020. Laatst gewijzigd 14 oktober 2020.
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