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0.7 godz. łącznie
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Sitting on a 1,5 year old macbook with a dedicated GFX.

Even on the lowest settings, the game lagged way too much to be playable on OS X. At this point, I don't even understand why they would bother making a mac client, when it's nearly unplayable. (I doubt the amount of players playing from Mac Pros stationaries will be high...)

Besides that, the first day I downloaded it and wanted to play with a friend, I couldn't. Reason? They had released a new patch for the servers and for the Windows client, but it had not been released for OS X yet, so the multiplayer game I downloaded through steam couldnt even connect to their servers.

The game itself is very buggy besides. There was a few things (such as trying to draw my own tribe flag), which is a part of the basic UI of the game, which just downright crashes it. Also the game was unable to run in fullscreen mode (only windowed worked), even though I set it to fullscreen (the UI elements became messed up then, and when the battle actually started, it converted back to windowed-mode even though I still had it in in fullscreen mode).

Long story short. Stay a long time away from this. I wasted too much time on it just giving it a chance, because I liked the concept.
Opublikowana: 26 kwietnia 2016.
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