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Rusty 22 Sep, 2012 @ 7:29am 
CSGO is kind of a different game now. The recoil patterns are bizarre where you literally can't spray anymore since the bullets go everywhere; it's more about single/burst fire. The thing I like about it is spammable areas that make sense and the damage that follows, ie. boxes, thin walls, doors, etc. (Much like Source spamming but with areas a little bit thicker.) Smokes plume instantly like 1.6 which is nice, and the new weapons are kind of fun. Molotov's are really important now.

For $15 it's worth the buy since you kind of get your moneys worth, even if you play it on and off every so often. They're about to add a rank system for fast 5v5 games so if you wanted to scrim casually, you can do it instantly.

Rusty 20 Jul, 2012 @ 4:24pm 
Diablo 3 is alright at best. As much as I enjoyed leveling, the game started becoming less fun as I tried farming gear to clear Inferno, but it takes so long to get any drop that is half decent. I'd wait until they release patch 1.04. I think that's PvP and a lot of class changes (for instance, Witch Doctor is almost impossible to play at later difficulties.)
Rusty 11 Jul, 2010 @ 12:40pm 
Blackest kid alive.