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I like old school style games, specially shooters with tons of secrets, hidden places, health pickups that you need to use careful and strategically in order to beat the levels.

I also like playing RPGs and ARPGs now and then, or any kind of cooperative game that's fun to play and enjoy with a few friends and has some sort of challenge or difficulty involved.

And I really dislike very easy games, modern style shooters with regenerating health, linear gameplay and hand holding.

My favourite game of all time is probably Soldier of Fortune, the first one, at least when it comes to the multiplayer. it's the game I've played the most, like easily 10k hours (was my main and mostly only online game for like 5 years). Good old times.

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Resident Evil 3
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82 Hours played
Good performing PC port, but not without flaws (on release).

On PC, God of War plays really well thanks to being a very competent port in many aspects, but the tradition seems to continue and this is another port from Playstation that launches with bad mouse input, much like HZD did in 2020.

The main issue this game presents to the PC user is the terrible Negative Mouse Acceleration it has, because the developers mapped controller / gamepad input to the mouse camera and, in addition to that, it came out with very strong negative acceleration, meaning that very slow movements will quickly increase in speed, and swiping the mouse pretty fast will make the camera completely stop, therefore doing quick flicks will be detrimental to the player.
This needs to be fixed, because other than that, the game plays pretty well on Keyboard and Mouse and, even with this issue, one can get used to moving the mouse in very controlled motions and constant speed.
I completed the game on Hard difficulty (Give Me a Challenge), exclusively using Mouse and Keyboard, and that includes all of the optional bosses too (which I did before finishing the main story), so…even with negative acceleration, any experienced player can adapt to it, even if it leads to us dying more often than we should, had the game launched with proper mouse input : )

Moving on, the game also launched with some Memory Leak issues, which I personally didn’t encounter, and a couple patches have already been released, addressing some of the issues, and I do expect a few more patches for the mouse input, etc.

On the Performance side of things, which is crucial to any PC game review, the game runs quite well on my Ryzen 5 3600 and RTX 3060 Ti; At Original (Console) settings, it’s pretty easy to run at 100-120 FPS (120 FPS lock is not completely possible, but close, due to being a little bit CPU bound at times) and, if we want stable 60 FPS or anything in between, higher graphical settings are of course doable, pretty much.

Ultra Shadow Quality is pretty demanding due to the huge amount of new shadows included in many areas where the original console settings didn’t have any or they were a lot weaker. This setting can impact performance around 20% or more, depending on the area, so be aware of that.
Lowering Atmospherics, Reflections and Model Quality one notch down from Ultra to High can also provide another decent boost, and paired with DLSS (and DLDSR, which works with DLSS too), we can find a decent resolution and settings combination that looks and performs great, because the Graphics Settings have pretty decent scalability.

Keybinds are another aspect crucial to PC games and many reviews omit talking about it; well, I don’t, since I’m left handed, in the first place, and that means I will always need to remap the default keybinds.
In this game, all of the keys I would normally use can be mapped, and only a couple actions are not able to be remapped, like the one bound to “T”, which is used to access Lore we find in game, we have no option to remap that one action, so I ended up mapping it to one of my extra mouse buttons.
The Arrow keys work for movement, too, which it’s what I use, and another lacking feature here is that there’s no Walk key, so Kratos will always be jogging…but the sprinting action does have its own key, and can be set as a toggle, too.

Other than that, with those issues aside, what remains is a truly amazing video game, with a really nice story and character development; voice acting is phenomenal for the main cast and other characters, such incredible talent and passion put into this game, clearly.
Sound and music are amazing as well, and the visuals and level design are quite good, and I do love being able to go back to areas I’ve visited and explore more of them, because level design in this game I think it’s pretty well done.

I love exploration in video games, and this game promotes one of the best ways to do exploration: let the player do it because they feel curious about it; the level design, especially for the Lake of Nine, does exactly that, it did for me at least: I wanted to explore because I was interested. That sentiment was pushed even further thanks to Atreus, which was always so eager to explore, like me. Then with the amazing stories from Mimir, the experience felt absolutely complete for me, it’s an amazing feeling.

I also loved the subtle hints, even early on, about what was going on, even in the first minutes, there are hints all over the place; the minds who thought about all of this and placed all these hints and clues, visual or in events we see at certain points, are great, such a good job.

Combat is also pretty snappy and responsive and there are lots of ways to deal with enemies, which is refreshing. I really enjoyed fighting enemies in this game, especially some of the optional bosses, which can get pretty difficult, but they’re so fun to fight.

This game is pretty good, after such legacy the God of War franchise holds, I like how this game marks the beginning of something new, honors the past very well but, at the same time, leaves us with so much more for the future.
Edit (Patch 1.0.6): With this update, a Precision Mouse Input mode was added to the game (the Classic input mode still available), and now the game has good mouse input, finally, so my main concern with the port has been resolved.
I did 100%'ed the game with the broken mouse input though, so it wasn't impossible, but with this new input it does feel so, so much better and responsive, for sure.
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