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Recent reviews by Mori Me Spirit UwU

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160.0 hrs on record (112.8 hrs at review time)
I had a really good time with Helldivers 2, it was just so much fun, despite the constant nerfs to fun weapons and the frantic nature of the non-power-fantasy of a milsim.

But just at the cusp of greatness, arogance and hubris turned certain victory into vitriolic ash. The double gut wrenching punch of back-to-back Escalation of Freedom and Freedoms Flame was just too painful to bear. Really, you can only wonder if this timing of was done on purpose, to spite the "weaksauce casual player. lol." and drive them away.

Freedoms Flame was everything that I could wish from an warbond and I was so ready to throw my money at Arrow Head, but after this ♥♥♥♥ up, I will keep my money and maybe invest it in someone who respects their playerbase, like Space Marine 2.

Don't try to sell the public a goofy, quirky fun horde shooter power fantasy, when you actually want to make a balls-to-the-walls milsim.

EDIT: So, after the September 17th Buffdiver patch, the game plays much more fun. The Flamer is back to glory, the Eruptor has some legit fieldclear potential, besides being good against heavy armored enemies, and the Railgun is a veritable beast. I have had a couple of instances where I was killed on spawn by I think my own Eruptor explosions, I remember this bug in the past, so I hope that they sort this out, but overall I am so pleased with this update and will happily try out the firebug diver that I always meant to be, but was denied by the Escalation of Freedom.

Cudos, Arrowhead, please don't let this be a one time thing, but really LISTEN to your community. This game can be so great, just handle it with a bit of care and we will be good to you, too. With this, I retract my negative review and give you the thumbs up. This Chaos Diver has returned to the light.
Posted 9 August, 2024. Last edited 18 September, 2024.
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14 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
I purposefully bought this DLC, and didn't get the killer or survivor with shards, even though I have more then enough, because I believed in BHVR. But the EMPs are so overtuned, it ain't even funny. Its more neutered killers and handholding of survivors, so that they can loop an M1 killer for the entire match and pat themselves on the back, telling each other how awesome they are.

And on the kilelr side, all thats left is tunneling, because basically every other playstyle has been killed, while survivors means of accelerated repairing are still in place, letting gens fly faster then ever before. Its so dismal most of the time, and the only times it is not, its when the MMR system matches you with baby survivors who don't know jack about to game.

Skill issues be damned, but all this survivor-sided bullying and looping shouldn`t be possible, but alas, maps are saver then ever and the new killer is so impotent, its laughable.
Posted 14 June, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
6.3 hrs on record (6.3 hrs at review time)
Carrion is utterly fascinating. At its heart, it is a puzzle game, with slight physics game traces, but you would never guess by its outer appearance.

At the end of the game you will have three major forms, each with its own capabilities, and you can't change with them on the fly, but either have to consume biomass (ie, humans) or deposit some of your health at spawning pools in order to slim down and access your other set of abilities.

Its cleverly designed and you will slithering around pipes and airducts in no time. So this is probably one of the most disgustingly fun puzzle games you will ever find. It also doubles as a power fantasy game, so whats not to love about it?

Just one thing: there is no map. The gameworld is rather tightly contained within an underground research lab, but there are still several different, distinct sections, pretty much like in any Metroid game, and you often have to backtrack in order to open doors that were unbreachable before, in order to unlock more and more abilities. And there is no real final area, where you can play around with your full set of abilities or ever really need them. There is a christmas DLC that sorta tackles this issue and that lets you start with your full set of abilities, but really, this is just nitpicking.

All in all I really enjoyed my time as the unnamed parasite and would definitely come back for a second round.
Posted 1 May, 2023.
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