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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries
[Thetaprime] 1.4 LTSV Collection
Collection by Thetaprime
1.4 LTSV Collection - cuz 1.5 isn't all that great and it's taking forever to update some of the best mods. Use Rimpy load order fools. Hidden eyes and Prosthetic No Missing Body Parts (Continued) should go near the end of the load order (before Rocketman)
1.5 Brok. 1.4 Much better.
Collection by Thetaprime
This should fix your 1.5 performance issues. Go back to 1.4
Nash's Corrected 1.4 Mods - Final
Collection by Thetaprime
Best fixes balancing before 1.5/Anomaly comes out
Nash's Super Bork Rimworld 03-24
Collection by Thetaprime
Reblanced Mod collection.
Non-DLC Spaztastic Vanilla Expanded
Collection by Thetaprime
The title says it all spaz.
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