Benner   Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
온라인 상태
MCOGMan 2023년 12월 30일 오전 9시 49분 
Blaster Master also has a PHD in super mega demon science and is an alien. 100% true.
MCOGMan 2022년 2월 1일 오후 2시 33분 
Blaster Master is the best person because he is laid back and very chill max. He also secretly is a underground government deep ops but he will deny it if you ask him or admit it but laugh it off as a joke, but really he knows about area 51, the lizard people, the illuminati, and the moon hoax. Also he knows that Elvis is alive, where the head of JFK is located, and the secret of immortality but he will not share any of that info unless you pay him 666.66 and have nice tits. Anyway he likes weed and plays games and also is 7 feet tall and his penis is so big that it sank the Titanic in the past - because its so powerful it time travels. This is all true. 100% also also he likes to lick posts. You know how people like posts? He licks them. He catapults cats at his foes. Also he is part taco.
🎮✅JAAAY✅🎮 2020년 2월 23일 오전 11시 35분 
It has now been 1625 days and he still has my first account +rep still active
🎮✅JAAAY✅🎮 2019년 1월 6일 오후 9시 49분 
+rep Still has my very first account on his friends list and its been 1260+ days since its been on
Motoko 2016년 10월 3일 오전 8시 18분 
+rep... can cook :P