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I'd like to preface this with *I* don't recommend it. It's probably a good game if you like arcade-y, hit-combo, on rails, low customization hack and slash games.

I do not, but I wanted to try this out and know for sure. The story seems interesting so I will probably eventually play all the way through, but the dodging and blocking with melee when I thought it would be much more shoot heavy is not really my thing. You're always two to three unblocked hits from being revived by your AI team mates, the maps are essentially tunnels with scenery and waypoints and the most customizable thing will be the dozen weapons that you hold between 30 and 250 bullets for at a time, making you totally on what you find. So you go from ammo pile to ammo pile dancing with a sword and blocking.

Overall I'm glad I tried it. I bet a lot of work went into making it visually pleasing. But it might as well be a side scrolling fight game.
Опубликовано 12 сентября.
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26.9 ч. всего (3.5 ч. в момент написания)
It's enjoyable.. but it's not Men Of War. It's not gritty and realistic like other entries in the series. The graphics are nice but have an almost ENB like color spectrum to it. Maybe I'm off but it seems like the diference between COH and then COH3.

I"m not saying I dislike it by any means. It just doesn't feel right calling in MoW. If I try and force a comparison I'd say there are graphical and campaign improvements, but Gates of Hell really spearheaded those. They've added interesting mechanics to the procurement of units and the way they bottleneck the unit arrival seems like a good idea, basically you can't just dump all your CP right out the gate, but it doesn't give the game a infantry to tank excalation feel either which was frusterating to me slightly in previous games. Instead there is a railway supply line to manage.

I'm sure I'll grow to love it, but not as a Men of War game. If there was a 1 to 10 scale, this would probably be a 6. But since Steam thinks we're too stupid to rate a game other than "Yes" or "No" I'll go with yes, but don't go in thinking you're gonna have a MoW2 experience.
Опубликовано 19 мая.
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6.5 ч. всего (3.4 ч. в момент написания)
EDIT: After a flurry of updates it looks like the devvs are commited to fixing the issues! Looking good too, Hopefully they keep it up.

Old review:
Had to skip the first cutscene, I got caught in a CTD there. Once I did that and adjusted to what everyone is saying they did I stopped getting crashes altogether. Normal graphics, windowed and go. It's hammy/cringy VA/Story and basic enemy AI is not able to path to you if it can't directly path, i.e. no jumping.

That said there is an awesome and ambitious game in here under the issues. If they fix the crashes it'd be good, if they flesh out the features it'll be great. I have high hopes.
Опубликовано 27 марта. Отредактировано 31 марта.
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7.7 ч. всего (7.4 ч. в момент написания)
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Love this game and it's ambitious plans. Had it on my wishlist for a while and decided to go ahead and buy. Not disappointed!

Some teething issues that I can attribute to early access, path finding, unsure if units are firing when I tell them, etc. But no bugs I could find, certainly nothing game breaking. Normally I've become a bit suspicious of early access, but the developer is active enough to run streams and even respond to reviews so I ultimately decided to take the chance and buy.

Quite a bit different than normal RTS. Most of those you struggle and bit, hit mid game and are either dead or steam rolling. In Cepheus it's asymmetrical so it's always a struggle to get around the number of infected, and I turned my unit count way up. I imagine the key to holding locations and killing the infected probably centers around moving much faster than I did and locking down sectors with buildings.

Over all it's already fun, but there are some rough edges. I can't wait to see how it plays with some polish and I hope they add tanks, because Strykers always pissed me off, especially the 105 variant.

Опубликовано 22 января.
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 5
3.4 ч. всего (0.7 ч. в момент написания)
This one has been sitting on my Wishlist for a long time. I wasn't sure what the status was, but judging by the reviews I figured it might be ultra low priority or abandoned. I've been burned before, but this one worked out, and I recommend it with some caveats.

I love dungeon master games. I have 2-3 in my library along with some variations. But what made this one stand out is how it improves upon the design. You're not limited as much for one. Two and much more of a plus to me, is that when I went looking for this type of game I was really searching for Majesty. If you've never played it, it's like an RTS but you don't actually control the units. You nudge them, Incentivize them. They have a mind of their own and their own equipment and priorities. This so far appears to be very similar.

So it's a win win for me, and I can tell it's going to be money well spent and a great deal of fun over a long time.
Опубликовано 19 декабря 2023 г..
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91.3 ч. всего (60.3 ч. в момент написания)
EA Anti-Cheat has detected an unacceptable configuration. Given that is in a single player bot coop map we've decided to boot you out of a game. We know that this game sucks and there is no reason to cheat in a bot bashing map even if you could so we would like to extend a firm ♥♥♥♥ you to you.

Thanks EA!

Actually I do like this game. There are some serious rough edges, but not having to multiplay or 'enjoy' a campaign which is how BF started, is fantastic. That said the specialists are a weird choice, and gun play feels wrong somehow. I think but don't know that people are less bullet spongy than the game presents them due to a delay in hit to death. It can't be longer than half a sec but I've started to let go of the trigger about that long and had the target still drop. If you don't than generally you're putting ~13 SMG rounds or 75% that of rife rounds into a target.
Опубликовано 9 декабря 2023 г..
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159.4 ч. всего (2.0 ч. в момент написания)
A rather straightforward improvement to previous games. More armies at launch, steam workshop support, and a modernized look are very welcome updates.

The sounds as everyone has mentioned could use some love. Battle sounds are a bit weak, but voice acting isn't varied and is sometimes confusingly accented.

Still I'm enjoying it and would give it a maybe a 8 of 10.

Edit: Except the Tiger commander basically singing orders. That is over the top and I love it. Never change that.
Опубликовано 26 февраля 2023 г.. Отредактировано 1 марта 2023 г..
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3,473.6 ч. всего
Literally has the most hours in of any of my games. When it came out I had that same sense of awe that I did with WoW. Only other game that was close. But this was different, better in many ways. There was so much love, so much to do that wasn't simply "Leveling to do the end game" The end game was good too! But there were world events always happening, raids in newbee zones even. Then they released storm legion. It was still good, but some of the love was scrapped in favor of producing more. Literally had normal, heroic, and then master dungeons in what 20 teens? It was absolute magic. Then the scrapped more, and more in order to get expacs out the door.

I rejoined at some point and they've done semi-expacks but really they've invalidated 80% of the game and then just stopped trying. There are things to do but for the most part no one shows up. It's slowly ghost towning. I hope it can come back but you just can't progress a game, shaving off the details people like while not having an end goal. I guess I know what happens if you just stop development of something even as unique and beautiful as Rift. Which is where we are now. Sad.

There are many memories, but now I'll remember this mostly as my WoW-patch. It helped me to quit something that had also decided to be bland and uninteresting... before it went down the same road. I guess we need Rift classic?
Опубликовано 29 января 2023 г..
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37.9 ч. всего (13.5 ч. в момент написания)
I played Vermintide but I wasn't all that impressed. When Vermintide 2 came out I didn't really want to find out I didn't like it twice so lets start there.

I like Left 4 clones, most of them. But they don't really capture the picture of L4D let alone what a L4D would look like modernized. Darktide is the closest I've seen. Hitting enemies as an Ogryn *looks* like they were hit by a 2 ton madman with a club that is practically a fire hydrant. They go sailing, typically dead. Shooting them with a shotgun from the same character (which is basically a 120mm shot canister) paints walls and ceilings.

It's glorious. But there are three other classes. The veteran plays mostly like a standard FPS char, the Psykar plays like a mage with two skills (but guns, too) and the last class plays more of less like a FPS melee char. I really like both ends of the spectrum with the Ogryn and the Psykar.

There is a basic talent tree and the chance we'll see expansions of the character element is high. Which is pretty exciting, as long as it doesn't turn into DLC cancer. The weapons are an area that I love. Many different variants and quality levels mean that you can really experiment and find what you like most. The only real downside is that is this a VERY melee focused game. What is generally your "Primary" weapon is actually your secondary in Darktide. This makes tons of sense for the Skullbreaker Ogryn. But you have to watch your ammo count and make your shots count as the Vet. If/When they release a bot only mode, which is rumored to be dropping any day, there won't be issues. As of now expect to fight a bit for it in most games, as teammates will be competing for the same ammo drops.


Finally someone captures the visual feedback of L4D in "zombie" fighting with great detail and gory fun.

Weapons are fun as well as varied and once purchased are yours for as long as you want, not reset on mission completion or the such (Like Back 4 Blood)

Decent RPG development and okay customization.

Hilarious accents, mostly Bri'ish but also some others. No Texans in space though.


Game is a bit rough in one match I crashed 4 times.

No singleplayer with Bots.

Overall it's great fun unless you crash a ton, I can't wait for Bots as my internet also sucks but that's not Darktide's fault so just hoping.
Опубликовано 21 декабря 2022 г..
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133.9 ч. всего (72.8 ч. в момент написания)
Rimworld's Dad finally got an interface normies can work out!

No but it is native graphical now, which is nice. It is still a monster. Buried menus, unintuitive deisgns, old timey UI and animations that are scarcely more than an icon dragging across the screen await you!

Now if that didn't scare you off it's a great game. If the UI issues are worked out this thing is going to be amazing.
Опубликовано 11 декабря 2022 г..
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