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Publisert: 23. feb. 2023 kl. 23.32
Oppdatert: 16. aug. 2023 kl. 19.13

Let's take a comedic stroll through this review, shall we? It's like a whirlwind tour of ratings, where graphics are trying not to give anyone an eyeache, and consoles are flexing their muscles like bodybuilders with their brand-new dumbbells.

Gameplay gets a "so-so" on the solo scale, but it's like the real party starts when you invite your multiplayer pals. It's like showing up at a solo party and realizing the real action is in the VIP section.

And let's talk audio – gunfights are decent, but not quite "COH 2 meets a dubstep rave" level. It's like they're in a band that's pretty good, but not exactly headlining Coachella.

For PC requirements, it's like asking your computer to put on a "moderately hard" hat. It's a game of specs, but not the detective kind – the kind that decide whether your PC will throw a party or just awkwardly tap its foot.

Difficulty? More like "easymode engaged" – you could play this game with a mouse and a half-asleep cat in your lap. It's like beating a drum with one hand while catching a sandwich with the other – not exactly the ultimate test of skill.

And the story? Well, let's just say it's like a beard that's trying really hard to be deep and meaningful but ends up being more like a flavor-saver for your lunch. There's story, and then there's "filler-story," and this one's firmly in the latter camp.

Game time? Like déjà vu with a twist. If you've played COH2, this game's like COH2's spiffier cousin. It's like having a favorite pair of shoes and then buying an almost identical pair because, well, who can resist shiny new laces?

Price? It's like shopping for that trendy jacket everyone's wearing – you'd only consider it if it's on sale. It's like spotting a slightly cooler version of your old jacket but realizing the price tag is just a tad too steep.

And lastly, bugs. Or should we say potential annoyance ninjas? So far, they're like the ninjas that haven't shown up to the party yet. Fingers crossed they don't crash it like an uninvited guest.

So, after this hilarious journey through ratings, specs, and metaphors, we've got a grand total of 7 out of 10 – which, in review terms, is like receiving a B+ in a class you didn't really want to take but ended up mildly enjoying.
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