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Recenzii recente de Chilkoot

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I was able to harvest the touchpads from this device to repair a damaged Vive wand. Perfect drop-in replacement. Great value!
Postat 4 aprilie 2019.
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179.6 ore înregistrate (69.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Yes, there are some annoying mechanics and bugs (mostly fixable), but the game is much vaster, deeper and more dynamic than appears at first blush. Many people are getting caught up in the resource grind - don't fall into that trap. Once you really sink your teeth into this title, you'll get past the simple annoyances and really start to love the progression path.

Also, top flight writing - up there with many AAA titles. The story line and characters will really pull you in!
Postat 23 septembrie 2018.
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Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
I want to love this game, but performance is *so bad*, even on a modern gaming rig (6700k/1070). Every few months I fire it up hoping for some improvement, but it seems to be getting worse rather than better.

If the visuals were great, I'd understand the performance problems, but they're not - medioce to poor by modern standards.

For a game already 2 years in development, this one is feels fully stalled out. Even at the current Steam sale price of 50% off, it's not worth the frustration of trying to make it run properly. Take a pass and grab something that's actively being developed.
Postat 26 iunie 2017. Editat ultima dată 26 iunie 2017.
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13.2 ore înregistrate (0.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
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OK, this is of course *very* early on in the development cycle, but so far the game is shaping up to have an excellent atmosphere and presence, and is making great use of mechanics only available today on the Vive.

The spell system is unique and promising, and the story really compliments the environment nicely. I'm excited to see where this title is going, and happy to recommend it to anyone who relishes a 'real VR' experience.
Postat 6 iulie 2016.
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825.4 ore înregistrate (121.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
As of Build 17705 (July 2015), this Early Access game is in a playable and enjoyable state. Core survival mechanics are implemented, which is more than enough to make the game worth the cost of admission.

Combat and construction are still rudimentary, so if you're looking for Skyrim-style sword and board or some kind of world-builder, this title is not (yet) for you.

Otherwise, gathering, crafting and resource use are already well balanced and compliment the game's style elegantly. Lore and atmosphere are starting to bloom from interesting to compelling, fuelled by an active community and responsive developer (Signal Studios).

Compared to other players in the genre, this game is satisfyingly difficult. Be prepared for a real challenge as you fight for survival in a barren, unforgiving world with little more than your wits and the wreckage of your boat.
Postat 13 iulie 2015.
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