Gage   North Dakota, United States
...I'm one of those guys who plays through the Zelda games without picking up any heart containers.

:ac7iradio: :ac7iradio: Charms for safety in the coming Zombie Apocalypse™ :ac7iradio: :ac7iradio:

:xenon: freedom is fascist!
:xenon: history is racist!
:xenon: following the science of just any scientist not paid by the government is anti-science!
:xenon: big pharma AND big government are ALWAYS your friends you trans-phobic cis male!
:xenon: your rights are DANGEROUS and you need to be saved from them gunpoint!
:xenon: medical tyranny doesn't exist and has never happened before!
:xenon: having white skin IS racist AND anti-gay!
:xenon: men competing against women is the only true measure of worth!
:xenon: do NOT think - the government already does it for you!
:xenon: NEVER do your own research, you're NOT a scientist or a doctor!
:xenon: leave study to the scholars - a role for every person!
:xenon: asking questions is a sure sign of brainwashing!
:xenon: work ethic is white supremacy!
:xenon: only Nazis drive trucks ...this is well documented!
:xenon: Karl Marx was the father of philanthropy!
:xenon: submit and obey... for the greater good!
:xenon: ...and if you don't have a brown male vagina shut the ♥♥♥♥ up!

:happyio: ...bearing these in mind, you should be completely undetectable by most of the unthinking college "educated" zombie hordes currently on marching orders from their compromised universities to ravage America at the behest of the Communist Chinese Party. (..or your nearest Marxist equivalent, they all appear to end up nearly identical)


Oh yeah, if any of this offended you, I am the LEAST of the problems you're going to face in the very near future... my condolences - you really are brainwashed, get help before it's too late for you to come back to reality and anything that resembles common sense.
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OS: Microsoft Political Propaganda Platform 11 (seriously...)
MB: ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Hero
CPU: Intel Core i9 13900K (24 core @ "up to" 5ghz)
RAM: G-Skill Trident Z5 2x32GB (64GB) DDR5 @ 6400 mhz
GPU: ZOTAC GeForce RTX 4090 Trinity OC (24GB)
PSU: Corsair HX1500i
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826 Hours played
This game is unfathomably good. I am not normally a huge fan of zombie apocalypse games, or zombie survival games, or zombie games at all, but this is one of my favorite, if not my favorite game of all.

The gameplay is smooth as silk, the parkour is effortless (unlike say, Mirror's Edge, whose glitches can make it too infuriating to play) - they are fast and fluid, even before you invest points to improve them. The melee combat is near perfect, whether you're bashing a zombie's brains in with a nail hammer, or dismembering it with a katana or longsword, it feels great. The ways to fight or avoid the hordes are vast and varied, and the city is riddled with traps to utilize and other hazardous obstacles (to you and zombies) to use to get the job done. It all adds up to a very coherent and natural experience.

The zombies are not weak, either. Even later in the game, when you slice through mobs of them with sharp edged weapons, you will still come across some who just refuse to go down until they have no blood left in their walking corpse. There's good challenge to be had in this game - it gets just comfortable enough to make you complacent, and then you're jumped by Virals or Volatiles and -dead-. I've died a lot, I even die in New Game+ mode, which is unusual, especially for a game like this. That said, I definitely recommend playing on the hardest difficulty, because it gets too easy too fast once you level up on anything else (in my humble opinion). A game like this, is supposed to be dangerous. Harran is supposed to be a hellhole, not a crap shoot, after all.

The graphics are gorgeous - the city may not be, but it still has a haunting beauty. It's common to stumble out of a pile of trash bags and onto a concrete ledge overlooking some shanties and thinking "wow, that's the most beautiful slum I've ever seen" (no, the game doesn't all take place in a slum, just the first part) The amount of detail in the environment is staggering, with a polish you'll find in very few games since the beginning of video gaming. Nothing is half-assed, everything appears to be a labor of love.

The sound design is beautiful as well - it can be "peaceful" (as peaceful as being trapped in a city full of zombies can be) and downright terrifying a short while later. The contrast between these moments create the perfect tension at all times. Those moments of quiet, where the only sounds you hear are distant screams and wails and moans and groans of the undead, the wind in the grass and the occasional sound of a chain link fence or falling rocks and pebbles will have you looking over your shoulder over and over... and finally when you hear the obvious threats, when you know a viral sees you or night falls and the sounds change to crickets and the heavy breathing of monstrous volatiles (and several other monstrosities..) ends up making you long for that "tension" from earlier in the day. The sound manages to convey all of this expertly.

The voice acting is fantastic as well. Most of the characters, even the less believable ones, manage to give their lines without making you pass out from cringe. The main character is very believable and many of his lines are entertaining.

And the plot / writing. Great. There are some very unique and entertaining side quests, all fully voiced and varied in their objectives, they are very fun. The main plot is releatively short, and I suggest not rushing through all of it first - that would disrupt the otherwise near perfect flow of the game. Play it organically. Take a break when things aren't urgent and help some survivors - I found myself going back and forth between main quest and side quests constantly. Every time there was a reasonable place to stop, I would end up doing a handful of side quests. I've seen people call Kyle Crane, the player character, generic - but I don't think he is. He's got some great and unconventional lines, often saying what I'm thinking about the situations he's in. I think a lot of the people I've read saying that just don't like that he's a "white guy" in a presumably middle eastern country - but that is all in the plot. I for one am sickend by the amount of offense people take at things like this. I can't help but think anything but "maybe gaming ... or life, just isn't for you" ...but that is a rant for some other place.

Harran is a pleasure to navigate, a terrifying one, and remains entertaining even after you've navigated it for hours and hours, and been through an area several times. Anything can happen, and you can die anywhere. When you play it, wear headphones and have the lights off - that's my advice. You don't want to miss a detail of this game. Go buy it, now; as an added bonus, Techland has consitently released new and updated content for this game since release, some of these content expansions are very recent. I don't utilize all of them, but it's nice that they're there and the developer loves their game so much to do things like that for free.

...just go buy the game.
cautious asparagus 16 May @ 6:35am 
please take your schizo meds
ロバート 12 Apr @ 5:11am 
the best! :steamthis:
ロバート 8 Apr @ 10:48am 
can i have a +rep or sign on my acc? =):joel_tlou:
85C GOTH EGIRL 22 Feb @ 12:03pm 
Shido :nekoheart: wants to kiss Kurumi:datealivekurumi:
Alpha-methyl 14 Feb @ 1:59am 
Ahh, glad to have ya! Yeah, there's a lot of that crap - what I find so ironic about it all is that the same people who are telling me all that "bible stuff / God stuff" is just nonsense are literally the people are behaving exactly as warned - it's hard to be convinced none of it is real, when the exact same people saying that are thrusting their evidence.

I used to be an atheist - I'm not particularly religious now, but I'd be a filthy liar and a fake if I pretended I didn't notice how irrational and crazy the anti-Christian people are acting - the persecution is definitely real ... and unbelievably pathetic... feeble. I'm convinced the only way someone COULDN'T see it today, is if they were intentionally trying not to...
ロバート 5 Feb @ 7:41am 
i add u cuz u dont support anti-christian (im christian)