*[N1K]*CopyCat 8. Juni 2015 um 14:48 
I had no doubt:)
-={U.S.P}=- Dirt Dog Bastuh 11. März 2013 um 17:04 
we are solid as rock, at least my head is, just that bad connection in camp
76561197984072095 21. Feb. 2013 um 20:11 
yo man u ok long time no play
StrEEt`KiLLa 16. Nov. 2012 um 20:03 
:) :) :) :) :) :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
-={U.S.P}=- Linecrasher 7. Feb. 2012 um 18:49 
lol paul just give it up......
•̪● SLOTH •̪● 7. Feb. 2012 um 12:45 
::BAD:: Dirt Dog Bastuh posted on February 03, 2012 @ 10:01pm
USP ROCKS<HACKER FREE<100 MEMBERS AND COUNTING , LOSER FREE = Id 1 Vs. 1 your entire clan live bro your clan is rubbish because yall wont let antone better than you in to make you look better even though your entire clan sucks rofl.
Anacunda 4. Feb. 2012 um 13:18 
OMG! LOL, For a person that does not care, he sure has alot to say. Why would anyone who has a life have any interest in looking you up? Why bother? We dont need any stats or proof. We really dont care.
-={U.S.P}=- Dirt Dog Bastuh 3. Feb. 2012 um 10:55 
PAUL, time for some therapy, get over yourself,more important things to worry about
•̪● SLOTH •̪● 30. Jan. 2012 um 18:05 
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•̪● SLOTH •̪● 30. Jan. 2012 um 18:05 
#3 I used to find it funny when people called me a hacker and think haha lolumad you sorry sack of ♥♥♥♥ its just a game but then you get these people (USP & BluntForce) you are all in the same category now btw... who take this game way to serious when someone better than there clan comes in and just wrecks and isnt even a ♥♥♥♥ about it while he is doing it because I did have some pretty civil convos with everyone there, but then want to bash someone for hacking just because then suck. If you ever follow me to a normal server I usually just have a 2:0 or a 1:1 ratio and some times im even bellow 1:1 but your server just made it so easy for me.. Combining runes like stealth assasin / bazooka which is where i got most my kills that rune is amazing... But yea you tell me to get a life and its just a game I think you guys should take another look on that. You are the ones that take this game to serious.
•̪● SLOTH •̪● 30. Jan. 2012 um 18:00 
#2 There is no reason to argue about it , I just find it sad and to be honest this was between me and ::BAD:: , but since you are all here... I find it funny for a clan that talks soooo much ♥♥♥♥ about bluntforce for banning everyone just because they were better than he was and then you go right around and do the same ♥♥♥♥ lol. Why would I care if I was hacking I already told you , you clan stick your clan up your ass I obviously know I am never getting back in there lol. What do you think I have to hide... Nothing lol because if I was hacking I would just delete / block you all probable try rubbing it in your faces some how which I dont see how that would even work.
•̪● SLOTH •̪● 30. Jan. 2012 um 17:57 
#1 If by all my time you mean 3 minutes it took to type that out of the 24 hours in a day which was 24 days ago Jan ,06 2012 then yes I totally use all my time to "wine" about this subject. Veryolddude before you start talking about lives I rarely play due to failures such as the USP clan but in general most servers that are not normal such as your clans with your basicly legal hacks that make it all to easy to win. (RUNE MODS) Maybe its because I am younger still have that edge for video games maybe your entire clan just sucks i dont know but before you tell me to get alife please check my time played vs your time played. If you think I am hacking thats fine and really the first time I was accused of hacking in that server I left because I even asked ::BAD:: did he just accuse me of hacking? When he said yes I told him if you guys think I am truely hacking then I will leave the server and he said you guys did so I left then I was told I was banned several days later for hacking.
-={U.S.P}=- Dirt Dog Bastuh 22. Jan. 2012 um 21:50 
WELL SAID COMMRADES,cya in game, USP ROCKs a nice cohesive server, Its our Living Room, remember that
76561197984072095 21. Jan. 2012 um 9:50 
wow hey paul its a game get a life dude go play some where else find blunt he need some friends
Anacunda 20. Jan. 2012 um 23:44 
It has been quite some time since you and other players unanimously voted to Ban “Paul “for hacking. It is surprising to read he is still not over it. There are other servers he could choose to play on without having anyone accuse him of hacking. We all believed he was after numerous players spectated him. If he was or wasn’t hacking we all chose not to have him on our server. We are not making this a big issue however I see Paul is. Once again there are other servers he can play on including his own that do not remind him of other players, from other servers who have also accused him of hacking. I regret to read that he has chosen to focus all his attention on this subject especially because there are things more important to be concerned about. We at United Skilled Players do not tolerate any type of cheating or disrespect of other players. If someone is suspected of cheating we do not ban immediately until we all feel we have evidence that will justify a ban. Continue below..
Anacunda 20. Jan. 2012 um 23:42 
We do not like to Ban anyone and when we do, we do not take it personal or let it marinate in our memories. I am sorry you have been targeted as the only one who has chosen to Ban “Paul”. I hope he cools off and decides to release all that negative energy.

Banned : 12/20/2011
•̪● SLOTH •̪● 6. Jan. 2012 um 21:14 
Follow me around make a demo send it in to VAC if your so confident I hack then follow me to every server randomly and send in Demos. Will be a waste of time on your part but eh you seem sure I hack so maybe it will help you sleep at night for banning me for no reason. Aside from the simple fact that because I was better than you guys you banned me. If I hacked do you think I would really waste my time defending my self or get this pissed btw? It pisses me off to be called a hacker by someone just because they are not better than me at a video game it is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ childish. Was so funny when Blunt Force swore up and down I was hacking So I went to Omies house played on his acc on his computer then he said Omie was hacking then I went to Yanila or w/e the hell her user name was Jessy and played on her acc and he called her a hacker same for when I played on SIN's acc its just pathetic really... I think everyone should just shut the ♥♥♥♥ up and play and stop whining about there ability
•̪● SLOTH •̪● 6. Jan. 2012 um 20:45 
I tell you what give me proof that I hack other than I played better than you guys.. Reminds me of Blunt Force to be honest I would play on web cam live for that prick and even though he could see every thing I was doing he still swore up and down I hacked this is just your clans insecuritys about there counter strike abilities that is all but really I dont care as I said its just another pub if anything I feel stupid for thinking it was something more.
-={U.S.P}=- Dirt Dog Bastuh 4. Jan. 2012 um 18:09 
PAUL if you didnt hack, everything would be good, think about why you hack, then it will all make sense
•̪● SLOTH •̪● 4. Jan. 2012 um 16:32 
Lmfao I dont hack and really I dont care if I got banned from USP its just a pub I have my own server and a fl if it gets to boring in there. Just because someone is better than most doesnt make them a hacker when ever people learn that simple fact and stop spending all there time ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about someone being better than them , then they will probable get better than the people they are saying is hacking. Funny thing is is that its a rune mod server its so easy to get high kill to death ratio but yet if you played me in a normal server im not all that good maybe you guys should think about that.
Rayne 3. Juni 2010 um 20:13 
Hey there, qt pie. <3<3<3