Master Damoe
Ei tietoja.
Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
EmperorKabir 16.9.2021 klo 14.36 
Stale biscuit 27.1.2014 klo 14.49 
I aint your meat shield. Go find a pebble to hide behind.
Badongkadong 7.7.2011 klo 12.18 
What the heck have you been doing? Ticket ♥♥♥♥♥!
Stale biscuit 2.7.2011 klo 18.14 
love you
Stale biscuit 16.12.2010 klo 12.17 
you smell oh mighty god emperor
Stale biscuit 23.5.2009 klo 15.47 
Do you know why I am in school? Because I want to become smart, and actually manage to spell my name properley