clip is from finland. clip tries to learn all classes. clip likes teamwork to achieve goals. clip also likes to play Day of Defeat: Source and HL2: Deathmatch in Madlandia.
clip has played Subspace/Continuum a long time ago and wonders if anyone remembers this game anymore. clip also wants to play L4D at some point and really needs to change the avatar.

clip really, really, _really_ needs to change his avatar to something else. Also, L4D is neat.

clip really needs to pay attention to his social media profiles. Geez.
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Review Showcase
715 Hours played
Great empire building game... in SPACE! The existence and pacing of the different epochs is fascinating. The way the game changes from the start to the end is something that keeps the interest up. In other games of this kind (at least in my experience) once you get to a certain stage you can keep on rolling without anyone stopping you. To be fair, the same likely can occur in this game, but I have not run across it yet. Likely because I tend to RP the factions.

If you like exploring the deep space, uncovering secrets and customizing your ship (or species!) give this game a try!