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Recent reviews by Paranite

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10.0 hrs on record (7.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Posted 2 December, 2024.
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328.9 hrs on record (238.8 hrs at review time)
Great game to push your friends around
Posted 22 November, 2023.
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1,128.0 hrs on record (1,125.1 hrs at review time)
The game's alright, if you don't mind leveling up multiple alts, spending countless hours on monotonous tasks each day, and grinding your last surviving brain cells at raids just to keep up with the economy and click some buttons a few times each week to have a chance at upgrading your gear... a--nd you failed. The raids are probably the most interesting thing you'll be doing, apart from standing in Punika or some other place and watching some roleplay take place (tho even that is pretty dead now). Encountering bot groups stacking in a corner or running around is pretty fun, until they spam the hell out of your chat and mailbox with messages telling you to buy some cheap gold. Finding a raid often times takes longer than you might want it to, as roster level is more important to people than you just satisfying the raid requirements even at times when you're quite well past them. You can even find some lobbies that go like: "1 fail = kick" only for the same party leader to fail it... There's also times you regret even taking part in a raid as some people fail the same mechanics more than a dozen times, not even trying to improve and wasting countless hours of others. Does it justify people being more picky at choosing party members? A bit yes, but it's been taken too far – sometimes you can't find any lobbies that don't require you having completed the raid tens of times so you could show them a certain title. Even that though doesn't guarantee that the raid will go well. Having some friends or finding a static does help in this situation, or simply playing a support. People usually take supports without looking into the character gear too much. You can also create your own lobby (as quite a few people will say), but what's the point of leading a lobby if you haven't done the raid even once yet?

Overall, it's fun for a while but gets pretty boring at late game.
Posted 25 November, 2022.
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37.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Great game
Posted 30 November, 2021.
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