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게시 일시: 2017년 11월 24일 오전 12시 06분

After nearly 100 hour in this game, i can say i am totaly stunned.
I did never expected a publisher could do such a good work, after messing up a hole game serie.
But actually they did turn arround and focused on the strong points of Assassins Creed.
First of all they show an amazing world. The view is great and you have the feeling to be really back in time.
You do not have to go to towers anymore to see whats arround you, you only need to go to these places to fast travel.
The game gives you the option to finish it in different ways.
You want to fight against 20 enemies sure, or no one should see you also possible, or you let your enemies fight themselfs no problems.
I needed these 90+ hours to actually use all option of fighting in this game.
And when i talk about fighting they make it so much better than this parry conter thing before.
The side missions are often the same but somehow they managed, that you never get the feeling they are.
So to put all together. This game brings nothing new, but put all good things together what an open world game should do and is pulling out the best out of this.
I can not wait for the DLCs to come and to see if they keep up with this great work or not, the future will show.
I say get the game and see it yourself, i am sure its worse the price (and ofcause even more worse it on sale ;) ).
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댓글 11
kuaRUSASCUR 2023년 3월 30일 오전 11시 00분 
⎛⎝Eminem⎠⎞ 2018년 3월 16일 오전 9시 19분 
In fact he's a shame for the creed!
⎛⎝Eminem⎠⎞ 2018년 3월 16일 오전 9시 18분 
Sorry Stace, but I'm afraid cuz Bayek's no assassin and you know it!
RED /(Weber)\ 2017년 12월 22일 오전 1시 18분 
Thats a really good deal then!
Mina 2017년 12월 22일 오전 1시 03분 
I say its better than the last 2 games and you can compare it good with Black flag yes.
RED /(Weber)\ 2017년 12월 22일 오전 12시 32분 
So you're saying this is better than the AC games that came out in the past few years, up to Unity?
ftskamins 2017년 12월 21일 오후 8시 37분 
not worse.....worth is the word.....fix it
Dλ][møN™ 2017년 12월 21일 오후 5시 45분 
Sooo, its as good as black flag ? :D
ferrouswheels 2017년 12월 21일 오전 2시 46분 
Nice unbiased review, thanks. This game might get me back into assasins creed again.
Mina 2017년 11월 26일 오전 12시 55분 
Yes it is great. Its sad you actually need so many corse on the pc but good for me i could count on the new amd cpus. Far Cry 5 yes that also will be interesting specialy about what you will be able to actually do and if coop is this time really a thing and not just on the paper.