Jerermy   Montclair, California, United States
Aah the pepeloni, pepeloni. You know the pepeloni? The no one? I always- I always order the domino, domino pepeloni; and without pepeloni. I always order the pepeloni and without pepeloni. Pepeloni! I like pepeloni. I always- I always order the cheese-cheese pan. How can I explain? I can explain by my drawing. I always, order like the cheese pan that it has cheese on here, this part, the ear. Ear of pizza. And then I order, when I order pepeloni the ear, it always have the pepeloni on the top. But I pick up this, Away! Because I don't eat it!
Currently Offline
joeye1 23 Feb, 2014 @ 8:31am 
this is hte game i'm talking about. It started on the iphone and now is on the pc and andorid as well.
yolandaamajoutt 9 Feb, 2014 @ 11:34pm 
Hey add my Sir_Chukes account. I have botherlands 2
Bike Lock 25 Oct, 2011 @ 11:11am 
I LIVE!!!!! i had comp trubbles, but their all better now!
Lilly 18 Sep, 2011 @ 10:31pm 
Bike Lock 10 Jul, 2011 @ 1:05pm 