Tomas   Ostrava, Moravskoslezsky Kraj, Czech Republic
Indie tips and PR guy for http://isthereanydeal.com
Semi-professional betatester, concept artist, and theoretic game designer
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IsThereAnyDeal - Публична група
When the price is right, you will play all night.
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Panky.. 24 ноем. 2024 в 7:30 
Augmented Steam needs to be update. Wishlist views no longer work with the current version.
Seen 9 март 2023 в 1:27 
Today I do some croud finding to buy rdr2 ,so I reach out many of my steam friend some are refused (which is understandable) some are unable to help because either they ar out of funds or thery from Russia, turkey so...that ok

But I don't know who one person sent some of my friend some shot of warning message and claming that I sent some suspicious link (which I don't).

So if u resived this type of message please let me know

I don't like that the person involving others to misleading them and distribute them

If u face any of those message I am sorry for that.

i found the user who did it but when i ask him for a proof he block me
Seen 25 февр. 2023 в 22:28 
Always remember, you're not just playing for yourself ,but also for the joy and entertainment for others. keep on gamming with pride!
Seen 24 септ. 2022 в 22:24 
I wish you a wonderful weekend.
Seen 2 авг. 2022 в 23:04 
I appreciate the well wishes on my birthday ♥
Seen 5 юли 2022 в 0:43 
Today marks the day of another opportunity for you. Have a great day