Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
17/24 (71%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Dab hand with those guns!

Successfully defeat the sky patrol.
Avattu 24.11.2022 klo 1.07

Laryn's predicament solved!

Return Laryn's wedding band.
Avattu 1.12.2022 klo 6.34

Epic loots from jail

Find the Sapphire Bracers in the big chest in Granminster Prison.
Avattu 24.11.2022 klo 7.05

Epic loots from the mines

Find the Stylish Hat in the big chest in the Coal Mines.
Avattu 29.11.2022 klo 6.10

Unlocked Potential

Unlocked the first class change.
Avattu 29.11.2022 klo 7.27

New Limits

Unlocked the second class change.
Avattu 1.12.2022 klo 6.13

Epic loots from the mines again

Find the Circuit Breaker in the big chest in the Coal Mines.
Avattu 29.11.2022 klo 5.28

Dozed the Dozer

Defeat the Sand Dozer.
Avattu 30.11.2022 klo 1.42

Laid out the Lamia

Defeat the Lamia.
Avattu 29.11.2022 klo 7.18

The Diminutive Chemist

Complete the Experimental Potion for Atlas.
Avattu 1.12.2022 klo 6.29

Finalized Fafnir

Defeat Fafnir.
Avattu 30.11.2022 klo 7.52

Totaled the Titan

Defeat the Titan.
Avattu 1.12.2022 klo 7.43

Outshone Shynn

Defeat Shynn.
Avattu 2.12.2022 klo 4.07

Epic loots in the Nexus

Find St. Theresa's Battle Armor in the big chest in the Celestial Nexus.
Avattu 2.12.2022 klo 4.32

Defeated Dhacian

Defeat Dhacian! Big surprise huh?
Avattu 2.12.2022 klo 6.36

Quelled Qua'Lon

Defeat Qua'Lon.
Avattu 2.12.2022 klo 6.46

Patience is a virtue

Celebrate achievements being added to the game! Thanks for waiting!
Avattu 23.11.2022 klo 23.56

Taking it to the max!

Unlock the final class change.

Trial of arms mastery

Finish Alda's Trial of Arms in record time!

Silenced Saehral

Defeat Saehral.

Wrath of the Centurion

Defeat Dhacian on Hard difficulty.


Defeat Qua'Lon on Hard difficulty.

Arena Champion

Complete the arena.

Celestial Champion

Collect all Spades cards, and clear the Venom Depths.