yupus lucis caelum
ver.1.22474487139, Ultimate Lucky Student   Akita, Japan
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When you come undone ı cover ıt up
The arcana is the means by which all is revealed

"I am thou, thou art I... Thou hast acquired a new vow.

It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chain of captivity.

With the birth of the Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power..."

"I am thou, thou art I... Thou hast birthed a bond clad in the heart's strength.

This union, born and embraced by will unyielding, shall become the balefire that lights thy path.

Thou hast gained a glimpse of the 's truth, granting thee further power to tread the abyss..."

"I am thou, thou art I... My viw stands renewed in pursuit of the truth,

In breaking free of doubt, the chain that impedes thee, is thy strength of heart made manifest.

With the rebirth of the Persona, thou hast obtained the winds of blessing that shall grant thee to the furthest depths..."

"I am thou, thou art I... Thou hast turbed a vow into a blood oath.

Thy bond shall become the wings of rebellion and break the yoje of thy heart.

Thou hast awakened to the ultimate secret of the , granting thee infinite power..."
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This is the world with the people we cherish
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cant say no