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전체 도전 과제 통계 보기
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38 중 0 (0%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제

Secure Jack

Chapter 1 cleared in story mode

Secure Tini

Chapter 2 cleared in story mode

Secure Garna

Chapter 3 cleared in story mode

Secure Seram

Chapter 4 cleared in story mode

Secure Genzo

Chapter 5 cleared in story mode

Secure Fuan

Chapter 6 cleared in story mode

Beyond the Truth

Chapter 7 cleared in story mode

Joint Front

Chapter 8 cleared in story mode

Opposing Death

Chapter 9 cleared in story mode

Clear Easy

Clear story mode on EASY.

Clear Normal

Clear story mode on NORMAL.

Custom Coordination

Selected designated equipment (Heavy Laser Gun, Homing Missile, Counter Shield).

Chapter 1 Mission Complete

Clear at highest “Target Parts Destroyed” rank in Chapter 1. (Story mode only)

Chapter 2 Mission Complete

Clear after completely exposing the boss with the search lights in Chapter 2. (Story mode only)

Chapter 3 Mission Complete

Clear after shooting down both missiles in Chapter 3. (Story mode only)

Chapter 4 Mission Complete

Clear at highest “Target Parts Destroyed” rank in Chapter 4. (Story mode only)

Chapter 5 Mission Complete

Clear at highest “Septonium Collection” rank in Chapter 5. (Story mode only)

Chapter 6 Mission Complete

Clear while successfully protecting the shuttle in Chapter 6. (Story mode only)

Chapter 7 Mission Complete

Clear after destroying two elevator shafts in Chapter 7. (Story mode only)

Chapter 8 Mission Complete

Clear at highest rank for enemy ships shot down in the second half in Chapter 8. (Story mode only)

Chapter 9 Mission Complete

Clear at highest “Target Parts Destroyed” rank in Chapter 9. (Story mode only)

Play All Story Mode Chapters

Played all of the chapters in story mode.

Play All Score Attack Chapters

Played all of the chapters in score attack.

Online Rankings Entry

Uploaded your score to the Online Rankings.

Becoming a Veteran

Total score surpassed 500,000,000 points. (Story mode only)


Reach a total of 1,000,000 credits. (Story mode only)


Watch a rival’s replay.

11 개의 숨겨진 도전 과제가 남아있음

도전 과제가 잠금해제 되면 세부 정보가 공개됩니다