"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.” - Carl Sagan

"I would like to see every woman know how to handle guns as naturally as they know how to handle babies." - Annie Oakley

"There is no avoiding the fact that liberty will perish if the exercise of liberty is not tempered by an ethic of individual responsibility. The affirmation of this fact is the ethical responsibility of those of us who cherish liberty and understand the fragile foundation upon which it stands." - Dwight R. Lee
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potatoes 24 окт. 2024 в 15:49 
A lil late, but here I am! Hope you are doing well, Celtic!!! Have a great rest of 2024!
potatoes 19 септ. 2023 в 15:37 
Celtic!! What's new with you over there?! Hope you're doing well! :steamhappy:
potatoes 26 авг. 2022 в 6:16 
Good morning, Celtic!!! Hope you're livin' the dream and kickin' some ass! Cheers!!
potatoes 21 авг. 2021 в 15:51 
Celtic! It's that time again! I hope you're having a great year so far! :)
potatoes 20 септ. 2020 в 9:14 
Celtic!! I hope you're doing as well as you can in 2020. Has been a bizarre year! See you in 2021!
TheChronicStorm 30 дек. 2019 в 21:55 
Happy New Year! :steamwings: